17. The Final Showdown

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As metal objects start flying by, Hailey was grabbed by a soldier. "Adam!" Hailey yelled as she hit the glass. "Hailey!" Both Adams yelled as they watched Hailey struggle to get free.

"Dad!" Young Adam yelled as he was grabbed by a soldier. "Really," Hailey sighed as she watched Adam land a few feet away from her.

"Hey! Let me go!" The two kids continued to struggle. Hailey noticed Adam punch the soldier holding him and use the gloves he was wearing to slide down the glass.

"Let go of me!" Hailey yelled as she elbowed the soldier holding her. Hailey let out a gasp as the soldier's grip on her loosened causing her to slip through his grasp.

"Adam!" Hailey yelled as she hung from the soldier's leg. "Hailey you're gonna have to let go!" Adam yelled over the shouting. "Are you crazy?!" Hailey yelled as she looked down.

The fall was about 40 feet from the ground. "I'm gonna die!" Hailey yelled as her grip became weaker.

"Hailey there's a gun under you which you're gonna have to grab as you fall," Adam explained as he backed up. "Shit," Hailey said as she took a deep breath and let go of the soldier's leg.

Hailey gasped as she caught onto the gun and quickly slid down the glass, landing on the ground with a thud. "Never again," Hailey groaned as she stood up and straighten herself out. 

"Are you okay?" Adam asked as he searched for any scratches and/or bruises.

"I'm fine. Now go save the world," Hailey lightly laughs as she watches Adam use the Mag-Cyl to launch himself up to the platform where older Adam and Christos are fighting.

Hailey runs up the stairs to where Louis was. "What do you want me to do?" Hailey shouts as she occasionally ducks out of the way from flying objects.

Hailey stares at the screen waiting for Adam's dad to do something when the sound of Sorian yelling.

"Christos! No!" Hailey followed their eyes as she saw the glass she was once held against was broken.

"Core breached. Reactor stability compromised. Commence evacuation. Lockdown in two minutes." The computer spoke as Hailey held onto Adam's father, backing away from the computer and watching as things flew based on them even though they weren't metal.

"I can't shut it down!" Louis yelled as he and Hailey joined the two Adams.

"Stop!" Maya yelled as she walked toward the group causing Louis and Hailey to stop in their tracks.

"I want my drive," Maya says as she points the gun at the two Adams. "You can't have it," Louis says as he stands in front of them and lightly pushes Hailey behind him.

"Shoot him now," Future Sorain yells. "Get behind me, all of you," Louis orders as he scoots his sons closer behind him.

"Look, Dad, Dad, those guns shoot armor-piercing bullets. So even behind you, we're still Swiss cheese," Older Adam says as he leans forward so his dad can hear him.

"Thanks for that information," Louis says sarcastically, not allowing himself to look away from Sorian. "You're welcome," Adam says as he steps back.

"Maybe spread out a little," Louis says as Adam takes Hailey's hand and moves away from his dad. "Maybe a good idea," Hailey says as she lets Adam pull her away.

"Maya, you're not a murderer," Louis says as Maya looks frantically at the four people in front of her. "Not yet, anyway," Hailey says bitterly.

"Listen to me," Sorian says as she leans in closer to her younger self.

"Everything we've worked for, it goes away unless you pull this trigger. Okay, come on." Sorian says as she holds the gun up for Maya.

"One minute 30 seconds until lockdown." The computer's automated voice spoke. "You can do it," Sorian says encouragingly.

"Do it!" She yells, lifting the gun as Maya begins to pull it down. "Maya, you're better than this," Louis says, softening his voice.

Sorian grunts as she grabs the gun and pushes Maya to the side. "Sorry, Louis, but you brought this on yourself," Sorian says as she struggles to stay still.

"Maybe so," Louis says. "You think I'm playing?" Sorian asks rhetorically. Hailey notices Louis gulp out of nervousness. 

"Ask your son how I play," Sorian says. Hailey looks up toward Adam, watching the life drain from his face.

"I had to kill his wife twice to protect the integrity of my program. Now, don't think I won't put a bullet right through you," Sorian bragged.

Everyone had tears in their eyes as they waited for Sorian to make their move. "Give it to me!" Sorian yelled. "No," Louis calmly said.

"One minute until lockdown," Once again the computer reminded. "You just never understood the bigger picture," Sorian chuckled sadly as she fired the gun.

Hailey dug her face into Adam's shoulder as she watched the bullet fly toward Louis. A yell was heard as Hailey lifted her head and watched Maya get blown back.

"And you never understood the science," Louis says as they watch Sorian turn into dust. "How did you know that would work?" Hailey asks as she turns to look at Louis.

"Those armor-piercing rounds contain a magnetic steel core. Sometimes it pays to be a nerd, guys," Louis says as he looks at the three in front of him.

Hailey tightens her grip on Adam crashing was heard. "Containment protocol initiated," The computer said as an alarm blared throughout the building.

Hailey and Adam looked toward one of the doors as it slowly got closer to closing. "Ten seconds remaining," Hailey was already backing up toward the door as Adam begin to move with her. 

"Yeah, we should run," Louis said as the four began to run. The group ran as the computer began to count down.

"Go!" Louis yelled as the platform they once were standing on a few seconds ago, was completely crumbled into scrap metal.

"Oh, shit!" Hailey yelled as both Adams grabbed her hand and jumped over the gap in the bridge they were running on. The four stood in the elevator, slumped over as they caught their breath. 

"Well, I'd say Bring Your Kid to Work Day was a huge success," Older Adam said as the elevator dinged and opened. "Yep," Younger Adam agreed as they all walked out of the elevator, exhausted.



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