1. Blood Covered Sleeves

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"Get back here Reed!" That was all Hailey Loraine Russett heard as she saw her best friend run down the halls of her school. Hailey sighed as she ran after the three boys knowing how it was gonna end.

The shouts of adam's name and threats were all that could be heard through the halls until they made it to the second platform of the stairs. "I mean, do you even hear yourself? Chuck, we talked about this." Adam says causing Chuck to look at Ray and Adam confused. "I didn't say anything," Chuck said confused.

"Shut up, Chuck," Ray says before punching Adam in the stomach. "Hey!" Hailey yells as Ray turns around just in time to get punched in the face. "You bitch!" Ray said as he pushed Hailey to the ground and grabbed her collar, bringing his fist in the air.

"Dude she's a girl. You can't hit her." Chuck says as he tries to pry Ray off of Hailey. "You should go," Hailey says smirking up at Ray. Chuck finally manages to pry Ray off of Hailey and the two run away laughing at their recent attack.

"Man you have got to get better at fighting," Hailey says as she sits down on the floor next to Adam wincing as she back touches the wall. Adam just stares at the floor as he tries to catch his breath.

"Come on," Hailey says as she stands up and reaches out for Adam to take her hand. Adam stares at her hand for a minute before accepting her help. "There will be an assembly in the gymnasium now. Please proceed to the gymnasium." A man over the PA says as Adam's mom marches her way down the hall.

"Not a word." Mrs. Reed says as she grabs Adam's face before glancing over at the young girl with an ice pack on her back. The two kids sit outside the principal office, hearing Mrs. Reed yell at the principal.

"Mrs. Reed..." The principal begins but gets interrupted. "See his face? Hailey's back?" Mrs. Reed yells as the two kids awkwardly sit outside. "And, what, you're gonna suspend Adam and Hailey? Because what? Do you think they started a fight with that thug Ray? Was it Ray Dollarhyde again? It's barely been a year since we lost his father. You could show some compassion." Mrs. Reed continues to yell. Hailey knew and was close to Adam's dad, so she felt some of his pain when his mother brought it up.

Hailey looked over at Adam suddenly noticing the blood on his face. Hailey gently grabbed his face, making him face her before using her jacket sleeve to wipe Adam's blood from under his nose.

"You're washing my jacket when we get home," Hailey said jokingly. Adam slightly chuckled before turning forward. The door to the principal's opens and Mrs. Red storms out walking down the hall, the two kids quickly follow behind not saying a word.

The car ride was silent for the most part, well until Adam decided to speak up. "It wasn't my fault," Adam said not looking away from the road. "I know you, Adam. I know that mouth of yours." Mrs. Reed said slightly glancing at the girl in the backseat.

"I know exactly what got you punched." Mrs. Reed said. If Hailey was being completely honest, it sounded like she didn't believe him. Was she right? yes, but that doesn't mean she couldn't lie a little. "He was giving me crap in front of the whole class. I couldn't just take it." Adam says looking out the window.

Whenever Hailey had to go home with the Reeds after being suspended for defending Adam, she always felt awkward, like she wasn't supposed to be there. "He's twice your size." Mrs. Reed said causing Hailey to make a judgemental face and mouth the words "only a little" she was lying to herself.

"Everyone is twice my size. I've seen babies bigger than me." Hailey laughed at the thought of babies being taller than him. "I don't understand you." Mrs. Reed said with a sigh as she tried her best to understand Adam.

"Dad would," Adam says not looking away from the road which was probably the best idea he has ever had because if he looked at the girl in the backseat he would see the most shocked face Hailey has ever made.

She thought that wasn't something to say to a grieving parent especially if they are already struggling. Silence filled the car until Mrs. Reed sighed and began talking.

"What's going on, honey? Can you just tell me? If I keep having to leave work in the middle of the day, I'm gonna lose my job. It's the third time you've been suspended for fighting." Mrs. Reed said with a serious face as she looked at Adam and then back to the road.

Hailey felt responsible for half of the fights they get into. She usually was the one to throw and land a punch. Her parents worked on "The Adam project" along with Sorian so they never had the time to get her nor did they want to.

"You'd think I'd be better at it by now," Adam says causing his mother to give him a look and Hailey to nod her head. "This goes on your permanent record. Do you get that? Do you care about your future? Do you? Either of you?" Mrs. Reed says finally acknowledging Hailey in the backseat.

"Son, you'd better start caring, because the future is coming, sooner than you think." Mrs. Reed said causing the two kids to sigh and look at each other. Both of them did care about their future they just didn't care about what happened right now, in the present because to them the future seemed so far away.

The rest of the ride was Mrs. Reed making small talk with Hailey while Adam just looked out the window occasionally butting in the conversation happening around him.



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