12. Dying Young

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"Christos!" Hailey heard Laura yell. Hailey held the gun tighter when she heard his yells of pain. "It's good to see you, buddy," Laura yelled as she stood in the driveway in front of the house. Hailey got on her knees as she peeked over the window to see what was happening.

"Laura, is that you?" Christos groaned as he stood up from his flipped car. "You're not still mad at me for blowing up your jet, are you?" Christos asked as he leaned against his car.

"If I'm being honest, yeah, I'm still kinda pissed," Laura said as she started shooting at him slowly moving toward a huge rock for cover causing Hailey to duck down in free of getting shot.

"Tell your husband to get his bitch ass out here," Christos yelled. He's busy right now, but I'll tell him you stopped by." Laura said as she reloaded her gun and resumed shooting. Both Laura and Hailey looked up when the sound of a jet could be heard above the house.

"Hello, Laura. You should have stayed dead the first time. Now, where is your husband?" Sorian asked as a gun came down from the bottom of the jet and pointed at Laura. Hailey watched as Laura said nothing, she just glared at Sorian. Which pissed her off.

"Where the hell are they?" Sorian yelled. Her question was answered when the sound of Adam's jet was heard. Everyone turned to look over as they watched his jet fly off. Laura turned back to Sorian with a smile on her face.

Hailey gasped as she watched Laura get shot. Granted there was no blood or anything but watching her explode into purple dust, knowing the meaning behind it was just as bad. "Find the girl," Sorian told Christos as she remembered Hailey was there.

Hailey ducked down and put her finger on the trigger. "Where are you?" Christos asked in a singing tone as he walked into the house. Hailey took a deep breath before peeking out behind the table and pointing the gun at his leg.

"Shit," Hailey sighed as pulled the trigger and grazed his leg. "Really?" Hailey whined as she watched him grab his leg. Before Hailey had time to react Christos pulled the table away revealing Hailey pointing a gun at him.

Christos just laughed as he started charging at her. Without hesitation, Hailey fired the gun hitting his ear. Christos now pissed off, stepped on her leg causing her to drop the gun and scream out in pain.

"Christos, we need her alive," Sorian said over the speaker she used from inside the jet. "Let go of me!" Hailey fought back as Christos dragged her by the arm. "Why, hello, Hailey," Sorian smiled as she looked down at the little girl.

Hailey mimicked Laura as she just glared at her. "Tough, huh?" Sorian said, dropping her smile. "Get her in here," Sorian said as Christos dragged Hailey closer to the jet.

Hailey quickly reacted as she stepped on his foot and elbowed him in his stomach before turning to run off toward the house, but froze when a gun grazed her on the back of her head and hit the ground in front of her.

"You're not going anywhere," Christos said as he electrocuted her in the back. The last thing Hailey remembered was the pain that shot through her body and the feeling of her body hitting the floor.

Hailey woke up to the sound of a jet flying in the air. "They gotta be here somewhere," Christos said as the jet hovered over the ravine looking for Adam.

"Adam, check your ion readings. The reactor's damaged you have one jump left. If you don't come back now, you never will," Sorian stated as she looked over at the young girl.

There was a long pause before the sound of beeping caught the attention of the three in the jet. "Gotcha," Christos said before trailing fastly behind Adam.

Hailey's knuckles turned white as she held tightly onto the seat. "What are you doing?" Hailey yelled as she watched Christos fly directly head-on toward Adam. "Come on!" Christos yelled as they got closer. Hailey closed her eyes.



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The Olive Theory    ~ Adam ReedWhere stories live. Discover now