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(This chapter got deleted so here it is again 😂)

Regie's POV

I was walking around Walmart with Ziggy and Atlas, Darren had Theo, Waylon, and Rowan.

Atlas - Cans we get a movieeeee
Me - Not today, we came to get some snacks

All he did was nod
As we were walking I see a woman stair at me
She walked over smiling

Woman - Hi, I'm Lexi, what's your name other then handsome

I cringed

Me - Regie, sorry I have to go

She stoped me

Lexi - Can I have your number, if you're single
Me - sorry I have a boyfriend

She looked disgusted

Lexi - Boyfriend? That's disgusting!
Ziggy - Nots as gross as yous face!

I quickly covered her mouth looking at Lexi

Lexi - Watch your kid!

She walked off angry
I look at Ziggy

Me - Ziggy Grace Macalino! That wasn't nice Where did you learn what disgusting means
Atlas - Uncle Seb
Me - Well, we do NOT call people that, you got it

Tears went down their faces, I know they're just kids, but they need to learn.
We met up with Darren, he saw that Atlas and Ziggy looked like they had been crying

Darren - What happened
Me - I'll tell you when we get home

After we got home the kids took a nap and I told Darren what happened

Darren - Ziggy is going to be very opinionated, which is going to get her in trouble one day but I don't think it was something you yell at her for today. They're still learning
Me - I know, but at least we know she can stand up for herself and Ik it was rude of me, I wasn't thinking
Darren - I guess. I am NOT ready for high school years with these 4, Rowan we got a while, but the quads, they're already 5, it's scary
Me - They'll be fine baby, I promise

He nods and gives me a kiss.

Darren - Are we good parents you think? Like giving a good example for them
Me - They come home happy, they are always happy to see the others. I think we did a great job. And we're going to continue to do a good job

The Night That Changed Our Lives  (RegiexDarren)Where stories live. Discover now