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Darren's POV

We picked the kids up from school then went out to get some food at Cheesecake Factory.
All of NSB went with us, when getting there a lot of fans ran up asking for photos.
Of course they said yes but I didn't expect them to ask me and Regie for photos. We haven't filmed an NSB video in a little while.
When we were taking pictures a girl asked if the kids could be in one of the photos

Me - Of course

Ziggy and Waylon stood in front of me while Theo and Atlas doing the same to Regie, we were beside the girl, we let her hold Rowan for the picture.
After the photos were done we sat and ate. I see Ziggy kinda roll her eyes

Me - Ziggy, hey are you ok

She just looks at me and nods
I look at Regie seeing him feel of her head and apparently she was slightly warm

Regie - Let's finish eating then we can go home, ok baby

All she did was nod.
She was sitting next to Regie and Ryan. She leaned her head on Ryan's shoulder making him smile slightly

Me - I like how the kids bring out the soft side of you

He gave me a glare making me laugh.
Theo was sitting next to Kane, Atlas next to Sebastian and Oliver while Waylon was next to me. Rowan was in a high chair at the end of the table in between Justin and Kane

Ryan - Is she asleep?

I Regie and me look to see she is fast asleep

Regie - Yeah she is, do you want me to get her?
Ryan - No, she's fine, I was just concerned cause she wasn't moving.

After eating we took the kids home, they were tired from school and Ziggy doesn't feel good which makes me nervous. Me and her are currently cuddled up in her bed while the show Dragon Tails played.

Ziggy - Daddy, make all this stop

My heart broke

Me - Keep taking your medicine and it will, ok

She nods into my chest.

Ziggy - I love you daddy
Me - I love you too pumpkin

The Night That Changed Our Lives  (RegiexDarren)Where stories live. Discover now