Failed marriage and expose

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The next day it was time foe the girls to go to school and was getting ready for and Izuku gotten ready as well and as they got to class everyone was saying congrats to momo and she was confused.

Momo: why are you congratulating me for?

Mina: for your marriage.

Momo: with who?

Asui: with todoroki-Chan I thought you likeed Tank?

Momo: I do I was never aware of this marriage.

Izuku(Tank): todoroki you bastard.

Todoroki: what you have someone that I want.

Izuku(Tank): yea it's this bullet.

Todoroki: hand momo over or I'll have to hurt you.

Izuku(Tank): well you gonna have to hurt me because I'm not handing her over to you you candy cane.

Todoroki tried to use his fire but failed as he see that Izuku is fast as hell close to his face and started to choke todoroki in the air and put him to the wall.

Izuku(Tank): it's crazy to think that you are stronger then me just because you have 2 quirks you are just like your father *apply pressure to his neck*

Todoroki screamed in pain knowing that he couldn't outmatch Izuku for his momo.


Izuku: or else what?

Aizawa: I'll use extreme force on you and take you to jail.

Izuku(Tank): Have  you forgotten I got immunity I cannot go to jail.

Aizawa forgot that he got it.

Aizawa: just let him go or there will be extreme measures.

Momo: are you forgetting that todoroki started this nonsense forcing me to marry him to go away from Tank?

Aizawa: for the love of God why can't y'all just have a normal day?

Izuku finally let him go and went to him.

Izuku(Tank): cancel the marriage or you and your whole family is wiped out.

Todoroki: never I will kill you like we did to Izuku.

Everyone Gasped that todoroki said that then that's when izuku took his mask off and everyone Gasped even more.

Izuku: you haven't killed me todoroki but now todays the day you die*pulls out gun and cocked it*

Inko: Izuku my baby boy don't do it.

Izuku shot Inko killing her becuase he was tired of her shit and shot todoroki.

Izuku: Momo Yui get behind me.

They did as he was told and they are stunned that Izuku is no longer the cinnamon roll that they once know and love.

Tenya: you villan you killed your mom and todoroki you are going to jail.

Everyone looked at him stupid and he took a bullet to the head dying instantly.

Izuku: I about had it with you people I tried to stay calm but I am just surrounded by idiots this school should've been shut down the moment I got my ass handed to and now this school will be shut down none of y'all don't deserve to be hero's. (Btw everyone was there and wanted him to stop being a marine and become a hero but Momo and Yui and some of them was calling him a villain but they were no better themselves and others was saying dump those 2 sluts and go out with them that's when he snapped)

Aizawa and the rest was pleading for izuku to not do this and have him rethink about what he is about to do but izuku mind didn't change and Momo along with Yui wasn't going to make him they completely agree with his choice and they took off.

Nezu: this is bad if izuku convinced the world hero we are done for.

Aizawa: I gotta say we had this coming he sidnt forget what we did to him and some of us was calling him a villain and they know nothing about being a true hero.

Assmight: we need to stop him and force him to stop doing military he is doing things the wrong way.

Nezu: you don't get it do you we are the reason why he is there we betrayed him betwe didn't believe a word he said and be mindful we blasted him in the whole country of Haoan saying he is a rapist, an abuser, and a cheater that's when he crossed the line because he was accused of it and he will never be a hero again.

Everyone realize that they let it slip again and that their careers are over the moment he gets to the world hero commissioner. As nezu got a call he put it on speaker so everyone can hear.

Samantha: nezu I am shutting the school down I'm about tire of you and this school everyone who listens to this cause I know u got me on speaker you are blacklisted from every hero school there is to mankind and they will know what happen again this time. Good day to you I will be coming to destroy it good luck getting everything you can.

As everyone was not broken and hurt because they career ended in shambles and that they can't get another career.

Nezu: are you all happy you ruined your chances of becoming hero now pack your shot and leave.

As everyone did in sadness they lives are now ruined thanks to their own bullshit they were on.

That's it for this chapter like always izumomo lover out.

Izuku Dempsey Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ