A New Dawn

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When Jazzy wakes up she is released from the Warner 3000 and sees she's back in the real world and her regular clothes.

She then hears her dad's voice.


Before she can get up she is then picked up by her dad making her laugh happily.


He sets her down and she then hugs him.

Jazzy:I'm so glad you're okay.

Lebron:Me too.

Her family then shows up and hugs her too.

Jazzy:You're all here,and alright.

Kamiyah then looks her in the eye.

Kamiyah:I am so proud of you.

Darius:We all are,Jazz.

She wonders where her friends are though.

Jazzy:Are Humphrey,Emily and Macky,okay.

Dom then comes and behind him are her friends.

Dom & Jazzy's friends:Jazzy,you're okay.

They run to her and hug,even Malik joins in,along with the others in a group hug.

Lebron:Come on,let's go home.

Jazzy:Yeah,we could all use some quality time together.

Everyone nods and goes to Jazzy's house.

One week later,we see Lebron,Jazzy and Dom walking,taking Dom to camp.

Lebron:So,ready for basketball camp?

Dom:Yeah,I'm actually pretty excited,I think I might take a break from video games for now,considering we got-.

Jazzy:Sucked into one?


Lebron:Oh really,I think I made a mistake,I mean we can turn around right now.

Dom:What are you talking about?

Jazzy points ahead and he sees it's the E3 Game Camp.

Lebron:I figured it's about time for you to do you.

Dom hugs his dad.

Dom:Thanks dad.

Lebron & Jazzy:Have fun.

He's about to walk away when...


Dom says.

Dom:I think I might hold on to this.

Jazzy nods and waves.

Jazzy:Hope you like it.

She then hears a familiar voice.

???:Aw,that's so sweet.

Jazzy and Lebron look and see it's Bugs.

Jazzy:Bugs? You're alive!?

Bugs:What's up,docs?

Lebron:Bugs,I thought you-.

Bugs:Come on,you didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily,did you?

Bugs:I told you,"I'm a Tune,docs. I can survive anything".

Lebron:It's good to see you buddy.

Jazzy kneels down and hugs him.

Jazzy:I'm happy you're okay.

He hugs back.


He breaks out.

Bugs:Oh,by the way,think I could crash at your pads for a few days?

Lebron:Of course,there's more than enough room for you.

Jazzy:Oh,I could show you all the art I made.

He then rants on and on about some stuff and Jazzy looks forward to the future she has with her family,friends and the Tunes to help her and experience new things everyday.

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