A Story Based on Space Jam:A New Legacy

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Name of my character: Jazzy Lavender James

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 6'5

Looks: Brown Skin,Black eyes,Smooth Long Black hair with purple highlights

Clothes she wears: A custom purple shirt with the words 'Ready & Steady' on it,White joggers,A Star Shaped Necklace (Her Good luck Charm),Purple Socks,Black/Purple shoes with a Galaxy design mixed with the purple (In the Toons vs.Goons Basketball game she wears the Tune Squad jersey,her number is 58)

Information:Jazzy is the second oldest child and daughter of the legendary basketball player Lebron James,she is a high school prodigy in the field of basketball on par with her fathers skills and is respected by many,although she is talented and popular in her school and the in U.S she is rather timid and doesn't really want tons of attention,this mainly stemming from the insecurity she feels seeing her dad play,which comes from something that happened to her a long time ago.She loves her family very much,along with her friends Humphrey Winston,Emily Scott,and Macky Totterson,and is supportive of her younger brother Dom making video games and takes her dad's teachings to heart,but dislikes her dad and younger brother arguing along with the former's stubbornness and wanting control.

Personality: As mentioned before Jazzy is a timid and insecure girl always wanting to do her best but never realizing her own abilities in basketball even when getting wins time and time again,despite her timid nature she is outgoing,positive and happy,doing what she can to support her family and friends,in the face of danger she is willing to step up to the plate for what she believes in,however when her insecurities comes out she will berate herself for feeling inferior. Eventually she becomes carefree and openly fun loving,no longer worrying about her potential or others expectations,when angry or upset she uses Taz's speech patterns.She's also known to keep her 'incident' as a kid secret.

Family:Lebron James(Dad),Kamiyah James(Mom),Xosha James(Younger Sister)Dominic James(Younger Brother)Darius James(Older brother)

Friends:The Looney Tunes( Favorites are Foghorn Leghorn,Taz the Tasmanian Devil and Tweety bird and is sometimes seen with them),Humphrey Winston (Best Friend),Emily Scott,Macky Totterson,Michael B.Jordan

Likes:Galaxy designs,her family and friends,Jazz and Soul Music,Movies,Basketball,Cartoons,Making art

Dislikes: AL-G Rhythm,The Goon Squad,Arguments,her insecurities,Being spooked,big crowds,her dad's stubbornness,cheating,Being compared to her dad

Occupation:High School Basketball Player,Co-Captain of the Tune Squad,High School Sophomore

Nicknames:Jazz(Family and Friends),Queen James(AL-G Rhythm),Galaxy Girl (Goon Squad Members)


Makes paintings of characters and what she likes

Enjoys Strawberry cakes

Started playing basketball when she was eight

Somewhat dislikes Daffy due to his arrogant personality

Only talks about her 'incident' to her super close friends

(Everything used is not owned by me,only Jazzy and her friends as they are custom)

Space Jam: A New Legacy: The King,The Queen and The CarrotWhere stories live. Discover now