Queen's Lament

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Ernie:I don't wanna alarm you or any of our viewers,but apparently if the Tune Squad doesn't win this game we're all gonna be trapped here,forever.

Lil Rel isn't worried though.

Rel:Lucky,the Tune Squad got four-time MVP Lebron James on their team,along with Jazzy James who's just as skilled as her dad,I ain't sweatin' it.

Dom then starts off by pressing his foot on a bounce pad,causing him to fly straight up into the air,shocking Rel.

Rel:Oh,we doomed,we're doomed!

Lebron:You gotta be kidding me.


Rel:Did you see that kid fly? He's like Superman,but with a high-top fade.

Dom then slaps the ball and lands back on the court as Wet-Fire gets the ball.

Ernie:Rel,I gotta tell ya,this Goon Squad is loaded top to bottom.Bugs Bunny gonna need a rabbit's foot against this guy,Wet-Fire.

Rel:Oh,because he's wet and he's fire,that's kinda brilliant.

Ernie:I don't wanna alarm you or any of our viewers,but apparently if the Tune Squad doesn't win this game we're all gonna be trapped here,forever.

Lil Rel isn't worried though.

Rel:Lucky,the Tune Squad got four-time MVP Lebron James on their team,along with Jazzy James who's just as skilled as her dad,I ain't sweatin' it.

Dom then starts off by pressing his foot on a bounce pad,causing him to fly straight up into the air,shocking Rel.

Rel:Oh,we doomed,we're doomed!

Lebron:You gotta be kidding me.


Rel:Did you see that kid fly? He's like Superman,but with a high-top fade.

Dom then slaps the ball and lands back on the court as Wet-Fire gets the ball.

Ernie:Rel,I gotta tell ya,this Goon Squad is loaded top to bottom. Bugs Bunny gonna need a rabbit's foot against this guy,Wet-Fire.

Rel:Oh,because he's wet and he's fire,that's kinda brilliant.

Lola tries to grab the ball but Wet-Fire holds it inside his hydro-like body and stops it mid-way in his arm,he then passes it to Arachnneka and holds off Bugs as he tries to get the ball.

Bugs:Gimme that ball!

Arachnneka:Back off rabbit.

As he pushes him off.

Lebron follows his son but is splashed by Wet-Fire,causing him to stumble back a bit.

Dom gets the ball and starts to dribble really fast,thanks to his upgrades,he then passes it to White Mamba,who grabs Sylvester and tosses the ball to The Brow who passes back,she leaves the black cat spinning as she goes to dunk the ball.

Ernie:You know what else is brilliant? This ball movement,man.


She says as she dunks and on the scoreboard it says she got a "Windmill Bonus" getting them sixteen points.

Lebron:Sixteen? What's up with the score?

Dom & Jazzy:Style points,dad/d-dad.

Lebron:Style points?

Ernie:Style Points?

Rel explains.

Rel:We are playing video game rules. Style points,Power-ups,see kids playing video games do pay off.

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