Fast Forward

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Time Period:Present Day    Location:Los Angeles,California

We now shift to the present day where we look over a big house on a hill,this is the James Residence.

It was a bright day today and outside in a basketball court we saw two young boys there,one practicing and the other playing a game of some sort.

Darius,the one who's practicing, asks this question.

Darius:So how much work does your video game need? It's been months.

Dom,the one on the console replies.

Dom:It's almost ready.

Darius then asks.

Darius:Like how you're "almost ready" to tell dad about the E3 game camp next weekend?

Dom: I'm waiting for the right time.

Darius says he should just tear off the band-aid and tell him he wants to go.

Dom:You're just saying that cause he says yes to everything you ask.

Darius: That's because I'm nice.

Dom:You are not that nice,not like Jazz anyway.

Darius:That's big talk, why don't you back it up?

He says while giving Dom the ball.

Dom goes around Darius and shoots the ball but it hits the underside of the hoop.

The two are having a blast when they hear.


It was Lebron.

Lebron:What was that?

Dom:An open Shot.

Lebron: If you're gonna be out here,it's about giving everything you got.Not whatever that was.Where's your Fundamentals?

Dom: Well,we're having fun.

Dom replies

But Lebron says.

Lebron:Everything in between these four lines is work.

Dom:Who says I'm not working?

Lebron pulls out Dom's game console showing what he meant.

Lebron:This thing here.

He tells Dom he needs to focus while Darius stands behind him mimicking what he says to him but stops when Lebron tells him to chill out seeing him with his "full court vision".

Lebron calls for a ball from the ball machine.

Lebron:Show me that step-back move I taught you,you got this son.

The move he's talking about goes like this:In and Out,Crossover,Step-back and Shoot in that order.

Dom tries doing it but loses the ball and Lebron tells him he has to focus.

Lebron:Darius,show him the move.

Darius calls for a ball and performs the move successfully.

Lebron:See that? That's because your brother's been putting in the work,along with your sister too.

Darius:I ball all day.

After saying that he gets hit by a ball from the launcher.

This causes Dom to laugh but Lebron isn't laughing and says.

Lebron:Dom,focus. You got basketball camp next weekend,those boys are gonna be comin at your neck,seeing what you got.

This makes Dom upset and begins to walk off.

Lebron:Oh,so we quttin on each other now? Can't be great without putting in work.

Then Kamiyah and Xosha come in.

Kamiyah:Boys. Y'all can't stay out here all day,it's dinner time.

Dom:What are we having? Spaghetti and meatballs?

Again,Darius got hit by a ball and fell to the ground.

Lebron:Ooo. That's my favorite.

They go inside and have dinner afterwards. Lebron and Kamiyah are getting ready for bed while talking about Dom and Lebron spending time outside of basketball,father/son quality time.

While this is happening someone goes to Dom's room and knocks on the door he opens up and it reveals to be his older sister Jazzy in her purple pajamas.

Dom:Hey Jazz,what are you doing up so late?

Jazz: I-I just wanted to see how you were doing,D-Dom. I saw what happened outside from my room.

Dom:Yeah,I'm fine Jazz,it's just I want to do my own thing with my video game I'm making but he's so focused on me being like him,you know?

Jazz:Y-Yeah,I see you there little brother.I never really like it when he's like this, it makes me remember how he was with me as a kid.I feel like I should t-talk to him about it.

Dom: Oh. I'm sorry about that.

Jazz: No need to be. I-I was able to find time to do my own thing,not everyone can be the same.

Dom: Yeah. Your right,well we better get to bed before they see us awake.

Jazz:Okay. Good night Dom. I love you.

She hugs him.

Dom: I love you too,Jazz. Goodnight.

With that they go to their rooms and go to bed,Jazz wonders how Dom's game is progressing, so she'll stop by tomorrow to look at it with him.

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