Resolutions & The Final Gambit

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They stop,Jazzy stands straight and Lebron holds the ball and this leaves Dom confused.

Dom:Dad,Jazzy,what are you two doing we're in the middle of a game.

Bugs:What's going on?

Lebron and Jazzy share their feelings,with Lebron going first.

Lebron:Dom,your game is amazing,son,but I guess I would've known that if I had listened more,I'm sorry I didn't. Me,when I was a kid,things I went through to get where I am now had to be a certain way,yeah it helped me win games. But not so much being a dad,I'm still learning how,you're teaching me,and I want you to be yourself.

Lebron:Do you understand how much I love you? Do you understand how important you are to me? How very special you are? I mean I don't know if I'm even saying this right.

Jazzy put a hand on her father's chest to say 'that's all you need to say' and so he steps aside and then Jazzy steps up to her brother.

She's silent for a moment to collect her thoughts and afterwards she speaks.

Jazzy:*Shaky Sigh*Hey,little brother.

Dom:Hey,Jazzy are you okay?

Jazzy:No. Listen,I want to say that I'm sorry.

Dom is confused with this.

Dom:For what?

Jazzy:For all of this,I mean,I feel like us getting stuck here is me and dad's fault,because if we just said yes to Al-G's wishes,everything would be fine and we wouldn't have to worry about you getting kidnapped,and I say this because,whenever I'm not with you it makes me afraid that something bad might happen to you,it's my role as your big sister to keep you safe but when you went missing and Al-G manipulated you...I felt like I failed in being your sister and protector.

Jazzy:I enjoy being with you and the rest of our family more than anything I could ever enjoy whether it was,working with dad or playing basketball in school.

Jazzy gently holds her brother's arms and continues speaking.

Jazzy:None of that makes my day more than seeing your face smiling and happy,and getting to experience something new with the people that care I about,so what I'm trying to say is that,I love you Dom*tears up*and keeping you safe and happy are the only things that I want for you,so we can experience something new...together.

She grabs his head softly and puts her head onto his.

Jazzy:*Shed's Tears*I-I lost you once already,D-Dom and I promise that won't happen again because having a family is something worth fighting for to me.

Dom looks at the two in sympathy and says.

Dom:Yeah,that sounds right to me.

He hugs his dad and sister and she starts crying as they hug back.

Dom:I love you dad,Jazzy.

Lebron:I love you,son.

Jazzy:I love you two so much.

Jazzy then whispers.

Jazzy(Whispers):You all are my Stars in the galaxy.

At this everyone cheers for them.

Lola:I think I'm gonna cry.

Bugs:Not me.

He cries anyway.

Lola:Bugs,pull it together.

Kamiyah calls out to him.


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