Chapter 14

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- Saturday Morning -

Your POV:

Holy shit! This Science test is gonna kill me! i groan in frustration as my book fell off my bed. I got my book and tried to study, i've been studying for 4 hours now and i only finished half of it. I lean back and closed my eyes for a while and massaged my head "This is some crazy shit" i mumble. I heard a knock on my door "Hey Y/N can i come in?" i smile slightly "Ally since when do you knock?" i joked i heard her laugh "Well okay then" she then open the door seeing my zombie me. She laughed "You look like a zombie" i imitate her laugh "Ha! Funny! You're not the one working their ass out!" she smiled and kissed the top of my head. "I'm sorry, well i came here to ask you if you want to come with us to the fair? The girls really wants you to come" she said i frown "Ally... can you see this? I need to STUDY" i said frowning. "Oh come on! You've been studying for 4 hours now! How about take a rest okay? When is the test anyway?" she asked "Tuesday" i said closing my eyes "See! You still have time!" she clap her hands excitedly. "Doesn't mean i want to go" she frown then pouted "Please? I want my best friend there! I wanna laugh with my best friend, smile with her and make her forget the Science shit for a while and enjoy" she pouted even more. I squint my eyes "Sometimes i really hate you! When are we leaving?" i said groaning she jumped and clap her her hands "Actually about 30 minutes! Now go and shower cause you look like a dead zombie" she said pushing me to my bathroom i smile and let her carry me causing her to groan.

After my shower i chose my high waisted shorts and my favorite crop top with my matching converse, i comb my hair and put a little make up just eyeliner, blush, mascara and a little lip stick. I got my phone and went downstairs "Ally i'm done" she smiled "Now you look like a hot lady" i laughed and she joined me. As we arrive at the fair Ally and i went to a table where the girls are well with their boyfriends except for Camila, i greeted them with a hug and of course Camila gave me her famous Koala hug. As i turn to Lauren i smile at her slightly and open my arms asking for a hug but she just turn her back on me causing my heart to ache. I sighed and hid my hurt with a smile like i always do, i turn around and hug Camila again, i'm seriously hurting here! What did i ever do to Lauren? I swear it's strange, ever since she came back from her talk with Brad she avoided me the rest of the day. I sighed and pushed it aside cause i came here to have fun and not have more problems. Camila dragged me yelling "GUYS WE'RE BUYING COTTON CANDY" i smiled and followed her.

When we got there Camila bought a pink one and i got a blue one we walked back hand in hand causing Lauren to eye our intertwined fingers. We both lock eyes and it looks like she wanted to talk to me but something is stopping her, her eyes were telling me she wanted to hug me but then something is stopping her. She then broke eye contact i frown and ate my cotton candy enjoying the flavor in my mouth. We all went to ride one of the scariest rides and i promise i'm a scaredy cat when it comes to that. "Oooooh let's go to that roller coaster!!" Dinah yelled excitedly the others cheered except for me and Camila "We'll just stay here, go have fun guys" we both said "No way! both of you are coming with us!" Dinah said pulling our arms but we try to get out of her grip which failed. We sat at this roller coaster and the order is Normani's boyfriend, Normani, Dinah's boyfriend, Dinah, Camila, Ally, Me, Lauren, Brad. It feels awkward to be seated next to Lauren but we don't have a choice since they ran to the seats leaving the 3 seats which the three of us took. I sighed and my heart was beating in a fast rate i really don't like roller coaters like this. "A-ally" i stutter she faced me laughing "Come on! face your fear!" i shook my head 'no' "I can't! i can't do this!! i wanna go out now!! please" my breathing is uneven then i felt Ally grab my hand which really didn't work. I started panicking kicking my feet "Why did we have to be in the front?!" I yelled i heard them laugh "We love you Y/N and Camila!" they yelled i bit my lip. "The ride will be starting in 2 minutes" we all heard i squeeze Ally's hand hard causing her to groan in pain "Stop! you're hurting me" i frown "I'm s-scared... A-Ally" i stutter i was shaking this is a high roller coaster. 1 minute then i'll die i shut my eyes trying to control my breathing until i felt a different hand on my right hand. I open my eyes and saw the hand belongs to my crush i blush and look at her she finally smiled at me after 1345 years well it felt like years. "It's okay, i'm here" she said rubbing her thumb at the side of my hand i wanted to ask why she was avoiding me but right now isn't the right time. I smile back and squeezed her hand gently "I'm sorry if i squeeze your hand to hard" i said she smiled "I don't mind, i don't care if you squeeze my hand hard" she said smiling she's making me feel good and i like it. My breathing was fine now but then we started moving i squeezed Lauren and Ally's hand "Oh gosh" i mumble "Look at me Y/N" i look at her hypnotizing, beautiful green eyes and it was calming me down "You can do this alright?" i bit my lip slowly nodding.

The ride started moving and when we're going down i'll always squeeze their hands, then finally the ride is finished. We got out and i was quiet as i got out "Are you okay??" Ally ask i nodded not wanting to speak "Are you mad at us?" Dinah asked as the whole group faced me i shook my head 'no' "Sure?" i nodded smiling they all gave me hug except for Brad and Lauren which upset me well i don't care about Brad i care about Lauren.

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