Grabbing her hand that's covering your mouth, Chaewon watch you put it down.

" You're lying " Chaewon murmured before pulling her hand that you're holding.

Walking towards the door, Before Chaewon was about to leave, you talk.

" Do i not get my thankyou for answering those papers ? " You asked the latter. " I already passed it too "

Stopping for a second, Chaewon hold the doorknob and open the door.

" No " She spoke shortly, before stepping outside the room, leaving you alone.

As soon as she leave, you scoffed not believing, that's what you get for doing all of those paperwork's.

Hearing the bell rings again, there's still 5 minutes before classes continued.

You sigh, deciding to just leave the council room and walk towards the Music Room to attend the class.

While walking your way on the Music room, you saw Yuri walking alone while reading some book, also on her way in the Music Room.

Deciding to approach her, you stand beside her. " What are you doing ? " 

Yuri look at you in shocked not expecting that you'll be there beside her. " Don't talk to me, I can't bomb this test " Yuri said before diverting her gaze back on the book she's reading.

" Do we have exam today ?, What is that ? " You have no idea.

" Novel " Yuri answered while chuckling, The girl just make you nervous for a second, thinking you didn't review when she said there's a test.

" Happy April Fools " Laughing herself too much when she saw your clueless reaction. Yuri continued to laugh.

It's April Fool's today, everyone knows that but you you have no idea that it's already the month of your birth.

" It's April 1 already ? " You asked her.

Yuri nodded her head, it's April 1 today who don't know that ? well except for you.

" You don't know ? " Yuri asked. You shake your head as an answer.

About to ask you another question again, you stopped when yuri stopped walking too. You and Yuri are already infront of the Music Club Room without you realizing.

" Let's go "

Grabbing your hand, dragging you inside the Music club Room, before you could stop Yuri she already drag you and make you sit on the vacant seat beside her.

You were in a daze.

You didn't notice that they're already starting and that the Head Teacher already arrived.

Saying that some of the students who wasn't able to sing on the Music Camp in the last night, are going to sing today and you're included.

Staring blankly on the ground, You don't know what's happening around you, When you find out that it's already april 1 lots of thoughts come into your mind after remembering that the day you wish you wasn't born are already coming.

Feeling a multiple tap on your shoulder. You look beside you seeing Yuri smiling widely. " What ? " You asked cluelessly.

Yuri gave you a smile before telling you to look infront, and when you look.

You notice that all of their gazes are on yours including the Teacher. " You're going to sing " Yuri whispered at you.

Upon hearing what she whispered, you look at her in shocked, maybe you're really in a deep daze that you didn't noticed you're the only one left who haven't sing, half of the hour of the Music Class.

" What else can we do to bring her infront ? " The Music Club Teacher spoke and the rest of the club members starts cheering at you, which you didn't like.

" You're a great singer, so sing us a song " One of the students who was able to hear you sing once, shouted.

The students continued to cheer except Chaewon who's just watching you on the other side quietly. She's still pissed that you didn't wake her up.

" I won't " You spoke coldly not wanting to do what they told you to do.

" Just this once "

" Park Verna, Park Verna "

" Sing us a song "

The students keep repeating, acting like they're close at you.

You glance at Yujin, Yena and Hyewon who's on the other side asking for their help, but they all shake their heads wanting to hear you sing too.

It's been a while when they heard your melodic voice so this time they won't agreed with you.

Letting out a sigh, you shake your head and they whined which you don't care at all.

Not until when you heard that familiar voice, you blood boils again thinking she have the guts to asked that.

" You really won't ? " Minju asked you acting like she didn't know you're not mad and angry at her.

You look at her coldly and stand on the chair, creating a loud creak sound making the students quiet because of the sudden change of your mood.

" I won't " You spoke lastly before stepping pass to the students blocking your way.

Approaching the door, you beard someone called your name and it was the Teacher.

" Verna, Where are you going ? " She asked.

You look at them before opening the door. " Leaving "

Walking away from the Music Club Room, you enter a comfort room before washing your face trying to erase those thoughts in your mind.

Staring at your own reflection on the mirror.

The water continued dropping through your chin. Some of your shirt are already wet but you don't care.

" Since when will I be like this ? " You questioned yourself.


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