Hanbei x Reader

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(Hi I got into animating finally and it's trying to take over my life. Also writers block for weeks straight.)

Requested by the lovely corvid, @Audennetannanda!~

Region: Ransei (Pokémon Conquest)

"Oh? Done with your swim, Gyarados?" You looked up from the ground, reaching out to pet your large Pokémon. It hadn't been long since it evolved, so you were still nervous about it battling.
You didn't believe you were a good battler, despite training one of the toughest Pokémon for people to handle.
You noticed your Pokémon wasn't staring at you, and so you followed its gaze, turning around to see Hanbei walking up with his Pikachu resting on his head.
"Mornin' (Y/n)." Hanbei yawned, Pikachu giving you a small wave before jumping up onto Gyarados' head.
"It's afternoon, but hello Hanbei." You giggle, smiling warmly, "You look like you wanna go back to bed."
"I always do." Hanbei yawned again, stretching before peeking open an eye towards you. "You look down... What's wrong?"
Leave it to Hanbei to tell something bugging someone, even when half asleep.
"O-Oh, it's nothing you need to worry yourself over, Hanbe—ah!"
You sighed softly, lowering your head. Gyarados was right, you needed to be honest.
"I guess... I'm just self conscious about my abilities as a Warrior, Hanbei." You admitted, not meeting his gaze as you quietly clasped your hands together in front of you. "I know Gyarados is strong, but I just see myself having the strength to lead it in battle..."
You jumped at Hanbei's sudden grabbing of your shoulders, his expression wide awake for once as he met your gaze.
"You are a lot stronger than you think! I've seen how you handle yourself in battle, especially against electric types. You don't back down even when you're outnumbered or have the disadvantage, and I find that admirable!"
You stared at him with wide eyes, a bit of a blush on your cheeks at the praise as you allowed a soft smile to adorn your face.
"T-Thank you, Hanbei..."
He smiled at you then, pulling you into a hug. "Now no more talk of you being weak, alright? Why don't we go get some breakfast?"
You couldn't help but laugh. "Hanbei it's still the afternoon!"
"Then we'll get late breakfast!"

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