Protective! Piers x Male! Reader

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Requested by the lovely corvid, hwsameviet !~ Check out their work too, they're awesome!

(Btw I have a Tumblr, it's the same as everything else, CrowBorn666, but go check it out! And maybe give ideas as to what do to on there lol(I've already got an OC drabble on there, so please check it out if you can!))

You were still trembling as you entered Spikemuth, your Linoone trotting alongside you.
You had been passing through Hammerlocke to get some sweets from one of the shops there, and on your way back, a couple had begun arguing about something. It hadn't even been about you, and yet their argument made that fear sink into your veins, causing you to shake and tremble.
Linoone was thankfully quick to urge you on, leading you out of Hammerlocke and on the way to Spikemuth. You made a small note to thank it with extra treats next time, but now you were just wanting nothing more than to curl up under some blankets and listen to some of Piers' music.
You had grown fond of the Dark-type musician, you liked his music, you both shared the same likeness to dark types, and you got along well with Marnie.
Shuddering as the couple's argument made itself known again in your thoughts, you picked up the pace a little as you walked to Piers' apartment, knocking on the door with a shaky hand.
As the door opened, you did your best to put on a smile, the box of sweets held tightly in your hands.
"Hey Piers! I'm back from getting s-sweets."
You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering, cause now Piers' laid back smile at your presence turned into a worried frown.
"Did something happen?" He asked, gently taking you by the arm and guiding you into his apartment. You watched for a moment as your Linoone immediately ran to nuzzle into Obstagoon's thick fur, and you took in a shaky breath as you set the box on the kitchen island.
"N-Not... particularly. Nothing directly to me at least..." you mumbled, gratefully taking the hoodie Piers offered you when you needed something to ground yourself.
As Piers waited for you to collect your thoughts and words, he waved you over to the living room floor, where it's clear he'd been working on a new song, what with all the notebooks and sticky notes strewn about.
"It's just... after... after I'd gotten the sweets a-a couple started arguing about... about something and the shouting got to me..."
Piers let a hum, the tone understanding before he stood. You watched as he went about the kitchen, the smell of (fav warm drink) beginning to reach you nose.
In just a few minutes, Piers returned with a tray of drinks and sweets you'd bought, handing it off to you before moving all his papers to his opposite side.
"Let's just take the rest of the day to forget that ever happened, alright?"
You nodded, instantly reaching for the cup of (drink) Piers had made you, watching Linoone and Obstagoon chitter and make other noises at each other. Soon enough, Piers' quiet humming of his new song lyrics reached your ears, and you turned your head to see Piers perfectly in his element.
Truly, nothing calmed you more.

(Hope I did well! Btw I found a beautiful picture today)

(Hope I did well! Btw I found a beautiful picture today)

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