36. Ash

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The rain is bitterly cold on the football pitch, and with forty minutes left in practice, our coach takes pity on us. My fingers are numb, and I have to take a scorching hot shower in the changerooms just to get the circulation back in my body.

Afterwards, as I jog to the car, I consider popping to the shops to pick up a few odds and sods for the house before collecting Chloe. Most weeks, I've left her there for the whole of the match or practice, and sometimes a bit more. They're always happy to have her, especially since I haven't extended their unsupervised visits beyond Sundays. Lately, I've been wavering on that. Other than them taking a year to turn up, do I have a good reason to pen them in so tightly?

With the shit January weather, I'm eager to get home to Joey and Paige to enjoy some naptime shenanigans with the woman who consumes my every waking thought. Today, Toby and Flora will get a bit less time with Chloe, but maybe I can drop her round during the week while I take Joey to the shops to make up for the change.

When I turn down their street, there's another car in the laneway, and immediately my gut twists at the thought of them having someone here during their visit. Could be anyone, since I don't recognize the vehicle. This sinking feeling in my chest could be nothing. But as I'm climbing out of my car in the misty rain, the front door opens. None of them have seen me yet, but a knife has been driven into my chest.

In the doorway, Flora is holding Chloe and Imogen is cradling Chloe's face, raining kisses on her cheeks. It's clear that Imogen is no stranger to Chloe by the way she giggles and tries to grab Imogen in return. A familiar game.

A fucking betrayal.

Bloody hell. The wankers have gone behind my back, just as Tejinder said they would.

"Oi," I call. My heart beats hard in my chest. "What the fuck is this?"

Flora jumps, and Imogen steps back as though I've burned her. It's only Chloe whose face lights up in recognition and not an ounce of contrition.

"You're here early." Flora is pale, and her expression brims with shock.

I shoulder past Imogen, and I yank Chloe out of Flora's arms before I swing the rucksack I sent with her onto my shoulder.

"You won't be seeing her again," I say to them as I stomp out of the house. Chloe lets out a wail in my arms, and I'm sure I'm scaring her. The number of times I've lost my temper around her could be counted on one finger—right now. This is it. My rage is barely contained. The one thing I asked for, and they couldn't honor it. Such a fool to believe they'd keep their word.

"Ash." Toby's voice mirrors my anger. What the fuck does he have to be angry about?

"No," I say, and I whirl on them outside. The rain has eased, but it's still bloody freezing, and the drizzle mimics my misery. "We agreed she wasn't to see her."

"I'm her mother," Imogen says. "Ash, you can't stop me from seeing her."

"What a load of bollocks," I say, and I turn to her as Chloe cuddles into my neck, hiding her face. "You could have seen her whenever you wanted if you'd only asked. If you'd only done anything a decent mother would have done."

"You don't even know—" Imogen says.

"You're right. I don't, and I don't care to. You left. Forfeited your rights. If I have to hire a solicitor to prove that, I will. As for you two," I say, pointing at Flora and Toby. "Never again. I'll never trust either of you again. Say your goodbyes because you won't be seeing Chloe anymore."

"I didn't forfeit anything. You don't have the money to hire anyone," Imogen says.

"I do," I say. "I've got enough, and if I have to spend it on that, so be it."

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