Duel of giantesses

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After a couple of days traveling, Alice began to check the map with a lot of effort not to break it and realized that she was behind on the trip.

-"I think that eating a lot these days has made it slow down..." Alice said after sighing and rubbing her huge belly, this time she was digesting 30 orcs from a camp that she had found on her way

-"Alice....tell me how long you have left to get to GreenDove's Castle?" Selena asked

-"I think a week and a half" said Alice worried

-"According to the map we have to continue through the valley, then go through another forest, then through a battlefield where they say ghosts abound..." Selena said while checking the map

-"Too bad I don't know if I can eat ghosts" Alice said after taking a deep breath

-"Wait a minute, I see an unexplored area that would serve as a shortcut" Elena said pointing to an unexplored part of the map

-"There is no guarantee that it is connected to the other zone of Greendove" said Selena

-"We don't lose anything by trying, if we continue with the normal route Alice will fail in her mission" Elena said with a very positive attitude

-"Sigh, it's okay, let's go through the unexplored area" Alice said resigned, her friend Amber's life was at risk if she didn't fulfill the mission

-"That's great! Let's go there" Elena exclaimed very happy


Alice, unaware of the route she was taking, took the twins out of her backpack, put them on her breasts, and asked them to be on guard.

-"Stay alert," Alice said.

-"Her breasts are much softer than a swan feather pillow" Selena said as she caressed Alice's breast where she was lying

-"Selena!!!" Alice said angry

-"Sorry..." Selena said very embarrassed

Alice kept walking, there were exotic trees and some skeletons of warriors lying every 200 or 300 meters

-"I think now I understand why the territory is not registered on maps, those who enter there do not live to tell about it" Elena said scared

-"I don't care what it is that killed those warriors, if it runs into me it will be my food" Alice said with complete confidence rubbing her gigantic belly

-"Alice, I can help you with my magic like when you fought on the coast" said Selena blushing, she wanted Alice to value her as much as her sister

-"Use your lightning spells, I'm sure it will make it taste good" Alice said smiling

-"Yes Alice" said Selena blushing

Alice kept walking through the trees and found a creature bigger than a bear

-"Alice... remember, you are in a hurry, maybe if you find another one at lunch time you can eat it, but not now" Elena said with a low voice

-"Sigh, you're right, I'm in a hurry and I can't be savoring every new animal in this area" said Alice resigned, she wanted to eat such an animal

Alice kept walking, but ran into a small group of reptiles that came to attack her.

-"Multi lightning!!!" Selena yelled casting her spell leaving the reptiles fried without any problem

-"Thank you Selena!!!!" Alice exclaimed as she stuffed each reptile into her backpack and then ate them as she walked as if they were apples.

-"Alice!!!!!" Elena yelled as she felt some leftovers from the repitles falling while Alice was eating them.

Alice the protectorWhere stories live. Discover now