Jean begins to have eyes only for Alice

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Alice ran with Jean for two hours before feeling hungry, it was already time for her breakfast, Alice pulled Jean out of her cleavage to put him on the floor.

-"Jean, I'll go get some fruits for you, could you find me something big to eat? but don't be too away please" Alice asked as she placed Jean very delicately on the ground

-"Okay Alice, I'll go look if there's a small group of orcs around here" said Jean somewhat blushing

-"Ohh Jean, if you find orcs I will feel very grateful to you, I love to eat orcs" Alice said with a sweet smile

Jean began to walk without knowing that this forest was inhabited by a great bear that had taken a liking to human flesh.

-"Wow, I can't find much around here, not a boar or deer, how could I even ask Alice out on a date if I can't find enough food for her?" Jean wondered as he walked, he was already beginning to feel something for Alice

Jean kept walking through the forest and saw a huge bear

-"What a bear, and it's very big, I'll have to go the other way" Jean thought as soon as he saw the huge bear pass by, but the bear sniffed it and started chasing him

-"Damn it!!!! that bear wants to kill me!!!" Jean yelled as he ran to where he had talked to Alice.

Happily Alice was already back and saw Jean

-"Jean?? what's wrong?" Alice said seeing Jean running

-"That bear wants to kill me!!!" Jean shouted pointing at the bear that came running towards him

-"Don't worry Jean, please go prepare a fire" Alice said with a serious voice

After an hour Alice was rubbing her big belly that wouldn't stop gurgling and next to her was the huge skeleton of the bear that wanted to attack Jean

-"Jean, .... thank you very much for getting me a good BURP!!! breakfast, muack" Alice said as she gave Jean a kiss on the cheek that made him feel an erection

-"Ehhhhhh you're welcome Alice, I'm glad you've filled up" said Jean very blushing as she covered his pants with his backpack

Alice rested for half an hour and continued walking with Jean towards her destination, after three hours they came to see a town, Alice felt like taking a bath, but her body made feel a little embarrassed, she thought she was fat and that it would seem unpleasant to Jean.

-"Jean, could you go buy things you need in town? I'm going to take a bath here in this lake" Alice said smiling

-"But you can go with me Alice" said Jean somewhat confused

-"They won't do anything to you in that town, besides you have a sword that cuts dragon skin, you'll be fine, besides I doubt they have something with which they allow me to take a bath" Alice said, somewhat blushing

-"Fine Alice, but I'll try not to take too long" said Jean

-"Take your time, don't feel pressured, go, go to town" Alice said as she encouraged Jean to go to town

-"As you want Alice" Jean said resigned

Jean went to town to buy a bow and arrows because maybe if he saw a boar on the way he could hunt it down to give to Alice, maybe it wouldn't be as filling as an orc, but at least she would enjoy it as a snack.

As Jean walked through the streets of the town after buying a bow and arrow, she spotted a red-haired woman selling flowers.

-"Yes, maybe, no...Alice would make fun of me, I'm not the type of person Alice would notice" thought Jean as he felt tempted to want to buy a flower

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