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Deleted ideas

1. Alice after the final battle is not warned by veronica about her excessive height and goes to the unexplored area and in a year devours all the dinosaurs making her grow a little more, then she realizes her mistake and begs for help Veronica that returns her to her original state, but the damage was already done, that area would no longer be the same, which saddens Alice for the fate of the natives who worshiped her as a goddess.

2. Alice in the attack on the citadel is approached by many citizens and soldiers who offer themselves as food recognizing Alice as a goddess, Alice accepts very gratefully and swallows them one by one with a smile and rubbing her gigantic and gurgling belly.

3. Alice, Elena and Selena bypasses the uncharted zone and they take a shortcut by sea being shipwrecked but meeting again near Greendove arriving just in time, Alice manages to rescue Jean with the help of a group of rebels who wanted to dethrone Missy just before Jean takes the poison that Missy had prepared for him, has sex with Jean, eats Missy and they both become king and queen of Greendove. A year later they have 3 children, but being heirs to a kingdom, there is a possibility that the three of them will fight each other for the kingdom in the future which makes Alice worry a lot about her children.

4. Instead of Marina finding Veronica, it would have been Aurora, who is another member of the council who specializes in fire magic and meteorites, only instead of trying to negotiate, she starts a big fight with her, Veronica manages to weaken her by forcing her to retreat, but her injuries limit her to rush everything since Diana would send Marina to fight without the possibility of negotiating at the moment she receives the report from Aurora, therefore they attack Greendove at that very moment causing a lot of effort on Veronica's part that she has to rest a lot after the fight where she is taken back by Marina and then put on trial by Diana for hurting a member of the council, Missy is also not saved, Violeta after a few months enters as part of a visit diplomatic and kills Missy with the same magic poison she had ready for Jean.

-"Do not believe for a second that you have been saved Missy, your offense to the council has not yet been paid" said Violeta seeing how Missy was burning from inside with the poison

An audience with Diana

Diana was in the office finishing reading a folder

-"Sigh.... so this is the report" said Diana

-"Yes Miss Diana" said a woman with maid clothes

-"Alondra, bring Missy's soul please" Diana said with a serious voice

-"One moment please" said Alondra

-"And a Frappuccino please" said Diana smiling

-"Yes Miss Diana" said Alondra somewhat annoyed

Skylark brings an ice statue in the shape of Missy

-"Now I thaw it" Alondra said touching the ice statue and freeing Missy's soul

-"But... what am I doing here???" Missy asked

-"Do you know why you are here?" Diana asked

-"I don't remember..." said Missy confused

-"You died... well they killed you" Diana said as she drink her frappuccino

-".... now... aggghhh I remember!!! It was disgusting!!!" Missy yelled, touching her head with her hands in horror.

-"Can you do a little more from memory?... I know it takes a long time, but I can wait a few minutes" Diana said smiling

Missy began to remember many more things about her life

-".... I've died more than 5 times already being Greendove Queen from generations!!!! how many lives have I had!!!" yelled desperate Missy

-"You're asking the wrong question Missy" Diana said as she continued to drink her frappuccino

-"Why are you doing me this???" Missy asked scared

-"I'll make you refresh your memory... you killed Veronica who was the president of the council at that time!!!" Diana yelled, banging on the desk.

-".... yes I remember... it was fun... I really had to kill that monster" said Missy smiling

-".... and you still have the freshness to say it" said Diana angrily

-"Her power was a threat!!! I had to stop her!!!" yelled missy

-"If it had been just that, maybe I would have put you through this only two times... but... you almost killed me too... I remember you told me that you would cut me open to see my organs" said Diana with a cold voice

-".... ehhhh..." Missy said scared

-"You were overconfident and you didn't tell me that I would awaken my abilities and destroy your entire laboratory in seconds and then disintegrate you" said Diana as she concentrated her energy on her hand

-"Did you think that by killing Veronica I was going to give you an easy death? Think Missy, Think!!!!" Diana exclaims with a mocking laugh at Missy.

-"all you council members are monsters... you can't have so much power in your hands" said Missy with a defiant voice

-"Hey that's unfair, we only watch over order!!!!" Alondra said complaining

-"Well Missy, for your two defiant actions to the council I will make you live every existence in every book that the writer creates until Veronica recovers her personality and thus returns the presidency of the council, and I don't care how long it takes me!!" yelled Diana

-"..... good luck with this" said Missy mockingly

-"Well... let's see... what life follows you... mmm let's see this book... mmm no... it's a memoir... you're still an idiot but you live... mmmm this is a side story and you're not there... mmmm... ahhh there it is, it says Alice's Belly scratched and now it says Alice and Company... let's see... you're still an idiot for several chapters..." she said Diana while reading some books

-"Yes, I will only enjoy this life until Veronica kills me" said Missy mockingly, apparently she had not learned her lesson

-"... I'm afraid that this time it won't be like that" said Diana mockingly

-"... what do you mean by this??" Missy said scared

-"The title says Alice and Company hehehehe" said Diana mockingly

-"....oh no!!!! please don't let that happen to me again!!!" yelled missy

-"Alondra take her and install her soul in this story" said Diana passing the book to Alondra

-"Stay still" said Alondra freezing Missy's soul again to take her away

-"Missy... we're not monsters... you are" Diana said as she finished her frappuccino

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