Chapter One: "I Hate you!"

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Author's note: Okay this is my first ANGSTY NicoMaki fic, this is a really short fic I'm just aiming at like 5 chapters. and I will be using very uncensored vulgar language in this story so please understand. Also please forgive me for grammar and spellings mistakes

(Chapter One: "I Hate you")

It was nearly winter, Maki's favorite weather because of two reasons one; Santa is coming to visit and two; the time she spend more time with her parents, since they were always busy in the hospital. Maki sighed and stared at the window seeing the cherry blossoms blowing off the branch and passes by the window, "That was really weird of her.." Hanayo sighed heavily.

Maki decided to join in their conversation out of curiosity "Who is acting weird?" "Nico-chan nya!" Rin responsed, Maki raised an eyebrow out of confusion, "Isn't she always weird?"

"Not to the point of ignoring us nya!" Rin replied, "Nico-chan really seemed upset about something.." Hanayo scratched her nose and sighed.

"It's Nico-chan, she's probably in her period or another one of her idol theme things, if you guys are that worried, let's just investigate when we practice okay?" Maki said calmly. Rin and Hanayo just sighed and agreed.

It wasn't that Maki didn't care about Nico, She just think it was all an act again like usually does, instead of being cutesy she tries to be serious to appear mature?. Maybe to appeal to other fans?

'Honestly, she's so stupid..' was her last thought before their Teacher came in their classroom.

~After class hours!~

The μ's members are now stretching under the warm sun, Maki decided to partner up with Eli since Nozomi partnered with Honoka, and there she was groping the poor girl. Hanayo and Rin insisted her to partner herself with Nico, she refused and told them to ask her themselves, they did but they got instant rejection. Maki was carefully watching Nico and Eli just observed her behaviour.

"So you noticed too?" Eli whispered to Maki while pushing her back at the younger girl, "That? Tsk, she's just being tacky and over dramatic." Maki replied doing the same push at her senior's back

"I'm serious Maki, Nico has been actin' up for a while, even in class she just sat there lifeless...well more than usual, Nozomi and I try to ask what's wrong with her she just told us she's fine or just tell us to excuse my language 'Fuck off' and she really seems upset." Eli looked at Nico once more "she feels distant once more."

Maki observed Nico once more and she was right but of course her egotistic and 'tsundere' self was'nt going to admit it "Fine, I'll ask her for everyone's sake." Maki stood up and went to Nico, leaving Eli, "I hope you break the facade Maki.." then Nozomi came at her side, "So Maki-chan noticed it as well?" Nozomi put her finger on her cheek, "Yeah, also why the sudden partner with Honoka?" Eli asked, "Oh because she owes me juice and she did'nt gave it to me so I decided to punish her." Nozomi turned around and made her groping movements which send Honoka's spine shivering.

"Nee, Nico-chan.." Maki called out with her usual stoic voice, sje wanted to see Nico's reaction, "What?" Nico replied with much hostility in her voice and caused Maki's eyes to twitch, that was'nt the reaction she was looking for "Well I was going to ask if you want to stretch together-" "I'm completely satisfied warming up by myself." Nico replied rather blankly, Maki got even more irritated.

"No need to be rude." Maki glared, Nico turned around, red firing ruby eyes glared back, "You mean like you? Well sorry we all can't be perfect" she replied, Maki flinched a little, "What the hell is your problem?"

Nico turned her back on her "You and your entire existence is my damn problem, so stop bothering me already." The raven girl walked past Maki and went to another spot to warm up.

Maki was left there in shock, she and Nico always fight but it was Maki's first time hearing that tone of voice and the amount of hate in that girl's eyes gave.

'She really is freakin odd..' but her thought was suddenly broken when Umi began the real practice.

(The End of Practice)

It was afternoon, the sun was now in a beautiful shade of orange and the students are now packing up their bags, and Maki was waiting for a certain someone, a certain someone.

'Why am I even interested, she Isn't my problem, It's just because of μ's yeah thats it' Maki silently thought to herself, then she saw her petite senior passing by the entrance gate. Maki quickly ran and blocked her path "Nico-chan, we need to talk." She spread one arm out trapping her at the gate's wall, earning weird looks from people.

Nico clicked her tounge and rolled her eyes, "You really like being a nuisance don't you?" the petite girl glared, Maki did'nt answer so Nico just sighed and said "What do you want?"

"I want you to tell me why are you acting like a complete a total spoiled brat that didn't get what she wanted and also what is up with your attitude, like more than usual?" Maki asked in a serious and threatening tone, Nico made a grin, "Why? Follow me." Nico brushed Maki's hand away and walked ahead of her, the first year was confused but followed the third year.

They were walking till it rained, very very heavily, Maki quickly bring out her umbrella, "Nico-chan come in." She yelled, Nico ignored her and just kept walking, "Hey idiot!" She yelled and yelled, but it was no use the third year refused to listen

Nico just kept walking, after 20 minutes Maki just gave up trying.

And when Nico arrived in front of her apartment, Nico turned around soaking went, Maki caught up and shared her umbrella with Nico, "What are you thinking!? You could have a fever at a rain this heavy!" Maki yelled, Nico kept quite till she started to made a really weird chuckle, Maki winced at the emotionless tone.

"Maki count the rain drops today." Nico looked up smirking, Maki raised her eyebrows but quickly narrowing them, "Are you stupid it 's-"

"Just answer the damn question." Nico's voice became raspy and demanding, Maki looked confused "I-I don't know, never endind!?" Maki just yelled, Nico nodded, Before Maki can ask, Nico pushed Maki to the ground, Back first, Maki was in complete shock Nico never used violence.

"Here ya go princess~" Nico covered Maki with the umbrella, "You don't get it do you? Oh Maki tell anyone and you're dead, along with me."

"Well, I have to tell ya don't I? Well I've been aching to say this..." Nico kneeled down and gripped on Maki's collar and pulled it, Hurting Maki's neck at the process and smiled sweetly "the rain represents my neverending feelings towards you..." and her face turn ro disgust and anger, causing Maki's heart to stop at pure fright.

"I HATE you.'

-To be continued-

Well thats the way to start an angst
I think..Ugh, I suck at drama crap,
I'm sorry if it's too short It'll be longer as the story
Process. but I just wanted to do it

*Thinks of the Just do it video*

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Bye everyone~

I HATE YOU!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora