Liz bit her lip to hide her smile feeling her celebrating internally. She was hoping to set her two friends up together at the dance and so far, her plan was working flawlessly. She had convinced Peter to go and knew Jocelyn would be here on time. But she definitely jinxed her luck.

"I-I have to go..." Peter blurted out quickly.

Her plan was working flawlessly.

Liz and Jocelyn looked at Peter, who shook himself from his thought and remembered what happened minutes ago. Both girls frowned and watched the boy take a few steps back from them.

"But you just got here." Jocelyn stated disappointedly.

Peter nodded guilty and stared at Jocelyn sadly. "I'm sorry. Y-you don't deserve this." He mumbled apologetically.

Jocelyn dropped her head and Liz stepped away, realizing this wasn't a conversation for her to be apart of. Jocelyn played with the bracelet on her wrist and shook her head.

"No I don't. So don't go, Pete..." Jocelyn begged quietly and looked back up at Peter.

Peter frowned at her response. "I'm sorry, Jo." He sighed, turning around and went to rush out but Jocelyn spoke up causing him to stop in his tracks.

"You've changed, Peter. You aren't... you aren't the boy I remember from elementary school." Jocelyn admitted sadly gaining a few glances from students nearby.

You aren't the boy I fell in love with, she wanted to say.

Peter knew in that moment he had an important choice to make. He could stay and spend the night with Jocelyn, proving that he does care about her. Or he could go and defeat Vulcan, stopping him and his tricks for good. It was a choice that would influence the rest of his life and he knew what he had to do.

"I'm sorry, Jocelyn. I really am." He mumbled over his shoulder before sprinting out of the gym without looking back.

Jocelyn stood there speechless watching him disappear in the crowd feeling her heart break again because of Peter. She had no idea what just happened but felt disappointed. Peter rejected her once again, finding something more important to focus on.

Remembering that he arrived with Liz, Jocelyn glanced over expecting her to be disappointed. But instead, Liz stared at her sadly feeling bad for her.

Jocelyn's phone vibrated in her clutch and it caught her attention. She carefully took it out, cautiously not trying to expose her suit and ignoring her anxious fingers. She ignored the stares she was getting around her and turned on her phone seeing a text from Owen.

"It's time, Kid."

Jocelyn sighed deeply. Time to stop being an emotional teenager and go save the world. When she looked back up, three familiar faces were standing in front of her.

Gwen, Mary Jane, and Harry were all standing in front of her guilty. Mary Jane was fiddling with the sides of her dress, Harry stared at the floor with a frown, and Gwen looked the most distraught. Her eyes were red from crying and she bit her lower lip to hold back the guilt inside of her.

"C-can we talk...?" Gwen asked nervously.

Jocelyn frowned at her friends horrible timing. She had to run off to save the world. Ironically, she was given the same choice Peter did seconds ago. And she would be making the same decision he made.

"I have to go." Jocelyn admitted sadly. Her three friends all looked at her sadly. "I promise, we will talk. But another time." Jocelyn promised.

Harry gave a small nod looking up at Jocelyn sadly. Mary Jane took a deep breath to compose herself. And Gwen frowned deeper, remembering the mission Jocelyn told her about earlier that week.

"I'm sorry." Jocelyn sighed with a frown on her lips.

She clung onto her clutch and phone, moving to walk past her friends and towards the exit. She ignored her friends stares and walked past them halfway towards the exit.

"Hey Jocie!" Gwen shouted after her. Jocelyn stopped and partially turned to see Gwen staring at her sadly. "Be careful." She said softer.

A small smile appeared on Jocelyn's lips and she nodded as a promise. Gwen smiled faintly in return, watching her friend rush out the gymnasium doors while Harry and Mary Jane were confused of what Gwen had meant. The three friends watched their friend rush out the door to go safe the world from destruction and Gwen internally wished that Jocelyn would be safe.

But she couldn't shake this feeling that something bad was about to happen.

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