Seven: Glass Shards

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Alex wasn't that hard to find - with him finally being back at school after weeks of being off, everyone managed to swarm him as soon as he stepped foot onto school grounds. The only problem for Dream and Sapnap was trying to find a way to get George off their tail whilst also finding a way through the un-copious amount of people that swarmed around the one person they desperately needed to talk to.

The only time they could possibly see him is if they met him in the bathroom, which quite frankly, they would rather not do as that place held some... unpleasant memories.

So here they were once again, trying to squeeze their way through the crowd of students before George made it in for the day.

Unfortunately, they were once again unsuccessful.

"What the hell are you guys trying to do?" A familiar voice raked into their ears, causing them both to swivel around on their heels to face their questionable friend.

"George - we just wanted to see how Alex was seen as he hasn't been in for weeks now." Sapnap explained the best way he could without having George get suspicious.

However, George was skeptical to anything at this point. "Why do you care how he is? Don't you remember what he wrote about me in that yearbook of his?" He refreshed the duos brains, Sapnap furrowing his brows and Dream chewing on his bottom lip.

"Well - it is just a yearbook - maybe his opinions changed about you?"

Dream reasoned, sounding suspicious of himself as he said so. All he got was a frown and a back turned to him as George walked away, tucking himself into the red varsity jacket Dream had gifted him those few weeks ago.

Dream felt guilty, Sapnap was far from it. "This is good - knowing how dramatic he is, he's probably gonna end up avoiding us all day which means we can spend the time trying to reach Alex. Then we can get all the information we need out of him-"

"Information about what, exactly?" An unfamiliar voice now butted in, the duo turning around once again to behold the exact person they had been trying to see:


"Oh - Alex, how've you been?" Sapnap began awkwardly, Alex pushing his beanie back with his palm to look at the two anxious boys that so desperately needed to speak to him.

"Let's be real - you aren't here to ask how I am. You want to know about George, correct?"

The two stood in silence, only now realising that the halls were painfully empty and they were all stood out in the open, exposed to anybody that wanted to eavesdrop.

"We can't talk about it here - come on, we'll skip classes and go to my house. If your teachers ask, just say that my leg was acting up again." Alex added on after a moment of the two being silent, leaving them both to wonder.

His leg? What does he mean acting up again?


Once they had settled in the living room of Alex's... small apartment, they found themselves staring into a glass of water, not being able to take their eyes away from counting the specks of dust that contaminated the liquid as they awaited Alex to start the talk. As much as they had wanted to question the boy, they couldn't bring themselves to act on it now that they were sat face to face with him.

Alex only sighed, shaking his head as he took a sip from his own water. "Either of you have any specific questions you wanna ask before I get into it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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