CHAPTER XVIII | Two Sides of The Same Coin (Part 1)

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We marched a long way to the Kingdom. They didn't take Eritha with us and just left her there with spear in her chest. These fucking animals, I'll murder them all when I have the chance. Vengeful thoughts flooded my mind as we continued to march. There was no sign of Elliot and Fiercey when we left the cave. I hoped they would be alright and safe. But knowing Elliot, she would most likely charge here and rescue us.

Yurian was at the front of the march, with us in a cage and chains behind him. I'm actually surprised that they were able to bring the giant ogre with us, and that those tranquilizers worked on him.

We continued to march for long hours, until finally. We were there.

The Kingdom was already in sight. The place around us was mostly made up of steep hills that's covered in glass. It was a wide open space area.

During the march, I was a bit uncomfortable with how silent Yurian was. He didn't try to rub our lost in our faces, or insult and degrade us to death. He was just silent there on his horse, with his eyes on the road. Something must've definitely happened between him and Elliot.

As we got closer to the Kingdom, the main gates opened. They were large gates, and it took very long for them to fully open. As soon as they were, we continued to march into the Kingdom grounds. There were also houses there and people. The walls were about 70 feet tall with men on top of them on guard duty.

As we marched along the pathway between houses, the people went outside their homes and looked at us. There were crowds left and right. Some had faces of disgust, others with pride. Others were chuckling and laughing at us beneath their breaths.

After what seemed like a long sightseeing for the people of this kingdom, we have entered the grounds of the main palace. The Queen was waiting for us outside. She seemed very happy that we were here. Yurian got off his horse and walked to his Queen.

"Good job Yurian! I knew I could count on you!" She smiled.

Yurian just smiled and hugged her. "Go, rest for now and get ready for the ceremony later." The Queen ordered Yurian. He nodded, but stayed there for now by the Queen's side.

"Boy, do you really look like Elliot!" I said to her.

She suddenly turned to me, with a face of surprise. "Brandon?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's me alright. Why don't you get me out of this box and these chains so you could see me more clearly, huh? I taunted.

She laughed. She just laughed, "Oh, Brandon. I'm not stupid, you know." She smiled at me. She got closer and looked at the other cages. "Wow, you really got them all, huh? Even the ogre?"

"Yup, it's what you wanted right?" Yurian replied.

"Of course, though I have to ask. Where's Fiercey and Elliot?"

"They, uh... Got away last minute. Don't worry, they'll show up here eventually. When they do, my men will capture them for you."

The Queen was silent for a few minutes, with a poker face. "Okie dokie! If you say so!" She suddenly responded with a silly face. "I want Brandon separated from The Lion and The Ogre. Keep the other two in the pit. Take Brandon to his room!" She ordered. The soldiers quickly followed and started to drag Elli's box and Butch away.

"Hey, wait, wait. Why are you separating us!?" I questioned.

"Well, they're not part of the ceremony dear!" The Queen replied.

"Ceremony? What ceremony!?"

"Our wedding, duh!" She giggled.

"WEDDING!? HELL NO, I'M NOT MARRYING YOU!" I shouted in disgust.

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