CHAPTER XVI | Yurian, You Snake!

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It was a chilly, cloudy afternoon that day. November 23, 1996. The bell had just rung, and class had just been dismissed and we were all going home. I was with my two friends; Margarette and Deana. We were going to ride on Deana's car together and go home, but then my Flip phone chimed. I brought it out of my pocket to see what it was.

"Shit, Yurian wants to meet up with me. Right now." I said, reading the text message.

"What? Where?" Deana asked.

"At our usual diner, at Lucy's."

"You want us to drop you off there?" Margarette asked.

"Yes, please. Thank you. He says it's urgent. Ugh, I wonder what this is all about." I complained.

We continued to walk towards Deana's car. It was a bright red, Toyota RAV4. She got it as her 17th birthday present, and will be soon getting her driver's license when she turns 18. We got to the car, just before we were about to get in, Margarette spoke.

"Ugh, Elliot look. It's your pervy stalker again." She said looking Michael looking at us from a distant.

"Jesus, he's always wearing black. What is wrong with him." I said in disgust.

"I bet he's already busting inside those pants just from your gaze." Margarette chuckled.

"Ew! You're so fucking gross!" I replied while getting into the car.

We all got inside the car. Deana started it and after a few minutes, we were on our way. We talked and sang throughout the ride to the Diner they were going to drop me off at.

"Have you guys seen Brandon Hargreens today?" Margarette asked.

"No, actually." Deana replied, "He didn't attend our classes together." She continued.

"Yeah, same. I wonder what happened." I added.

We continued to drive to the diner in silence. I looked up at the windshield and the sky was covered with clouds. The clouds were a bit dark, it looked like it was going to rain.

We finally got to the diner. Deana stopped the car by the sidewalk in front of the Diner. I looked at my window and saw Brandon already in there. Sitting, and waiting for me. He looked a bit nervous.

"Well, I guess this is it. Call us later when you get home, okay?" Deana said unlocking the doors.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks for the ride!" I opened the door, got out and shut it closed. I walked towards the entrance of the Diner, and waved at the girls' goodbye. They drove off and a went inside.

Brandon saw me come in. He looked at me and waved. I walked towards to where he was sitting and sat down in front of him. We sat there for a couple of silent minutes. Yurian kept looking on the table, he looked disturbed and depressed.

"Yurian?" I said, breaking the silence.

His gaze turned to me when he snapped out of it. "Hi, Elliot." He replied.

"What did you wanted to talk about? Why do you look so depressed?" I asked continuously. "Hey! Answer me" I said snapping my fingers at him, "We don't have all afternoon, it seems like it's about to rain." I added.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous." He responded.

"Nervous about what?"

"Elliot," he looked at me, "I'm breaking up with you."

We were both silent. I just looked at him with my eyes wide, while also giving a confused look. "I'm sorry," I shook my head, "What?"

"I can't do this anymore." He added.

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