CHAPTER XIII | What The Hell Was That?

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Brandon had been going at it for almost an hour now. Swing, after swing, after swing, after swing. His arms now getting tired, but every time he cut a thorned branch, it immediately grows back in a second.

Every time Grandma tried to fly over barricade of throned branches in front of us, there seemed to be an invisible force field that stops her from flying over and pushed her back. Fiercey and I ran left and right directions into the forest. Hoping we'd find an opening.

But there was none. We were stuck here in this new path and forest. Worst, we were stuck with an army led by a lunatic snake trying to kill us.

I only had one person in mind because of this. Mom.

Brandon finally gave up slicing the branches. He dropped his sword and got on his knees, panting like a dog. Grandma was tired too. All that bumping into the invisible force field had made her dizzy. We took a break and sat on our ground to catch our breath and restore our energy.

"Mom." I said panting. "This is mom's doing."

"Now, sweetie, don't get all accusing on your mother alright? She already left." Grandma countered.

"I know, but... This has got to be her doing right?" I went on. "She's a witch, right? She was also the one that brought us here in this new path. The one who sent Fiercey after me, the one who has power to open up this path and quite possibly close it too." I stated.

"Maybe we weren't supposed to leave yet." Brandon added. "Maybe there's still something else we need to do here."

"More like, she doesn't want us to leave."

"Alright. Elliot, we are going to look for your mother, so that we could ask her about this." Said Grandma.

"That sounds better." I agreed.

We took a couple more minutes for our break before we started moving again. Brandon was the first one to stand up. He got on his knees, picked up his sword and moved to Fiercey.

"Let's go."

I got up on my knees and stood up. Brandon climbed up on Fiercey's back. As I got close to Fiercey, he reached out his hand at me.

"Come on." He said pulling me up and setting me behind him.

This time, he was in front controlling Fiercey and I was behind him. "I guess I should hold on tight so I wouldn't fall?" I asked him jokingly.

"You better Princess, I'm known for making the ladies fall." He joked back.

I smiled and chuckled, "Consider me fallen then."

Grandma got up and once again spread her wings. Seconds after, she was already high up and started flying to a direction leading to the woods. Fiercey followed and once again, we were on the move.

We passed through countless trees. Fiercey leaped every time a large root or branch was in the way and Brandon and I would bump into each other. I held on closer and tighter each time.

After what it seemed like an hour, I began to wonder. How are we going to find mom exactly? I looked at up and yelled at Grandma regarding my question. She said that mom said they could find her at the east side of the forest if they needed anything.

I was a bit surprised. Mom actually said that, which adds more to my suspicion. Maybe she knew that this was going to happen, that's why she gave her location. Just wait 'til we got to her, I'll end up being right.

"Hey, do you hear that?" Brandon questioned. "Eritha, hold up!"

We stopped for a moment and listened to our surroundings. We stood still there and Grandma was still above us.

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