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Everything was really dark; I couldn't see anything. The last thing I saw was dad slapping mom. The sound echoed throughout the room loudly as I looked at my younger-self peeping through the door of our room. After that moment, everything shattered like glass. Now I'm floating in void of darkness and nothingness.

"Elliot... Elliot."

"What the... Who's there!?" I questioned after hearing the echo of an unknown voice.

"Eliot." In a small voice. "Elliot!" It yelled in a deep growly voice.


"Wake up, WAKE UP!"

"SHOW YOURSELF!" I demanded.

After I demanded I suddenly got pulled back. I flew backwards at a great speed. I looked around and structures started to suddenly form. Wood and concrete came falling down from above and sticked together.

Next thing I knew I was pulled back into the sofa in the living room. I kept panting and panting out of nervousness of what had happen. I was shaking and freaked out until my attention got caught by the voice of mom and my younger-self in the kitchen.

"What the fuck was that..." I said panting.

I turned my attention to the conversation my younger-self had with mom.

"Where'd you get that bruise?" My younger-self asked.

"Oh this? I uh, fell down the chair last night while waiting for your dad." Said mom.



"You're a terrible liar."

"I'm not lying, Elliot."


"Hey watch your mouth young lady!"

"I saw what happened last night. Dad slapped you right in the face."

"Look, he was just drunk, he didn't mean it."

"Why are you defending him?"

"I'm not!"

The two of them started to have a heated argument early in the morning. Dad was still sound asleep.

"You are defending him! He's treating you like shit and you continue to defend that stupid old drunk!"

"Elliot Venus Mirage, you watch on what you call your father with that mouth. He's still the one who works to earn money for us all here."

"Yeah sure, wastes it all on his damn alcohol."

Mom sighed for a moment. "Can we just please, not talk about his anymore? It's early in the morning and you have school. How'd you got up so early this time?"

"Fiercey bit my ears."

"Oh, is that so?" Mom laughed. "So that's where he was this morning. Is she still in your room?"

"I think yeah, she lied on my bed. I'll go check on her."

"Finish your breakfast first." Mom ordered.


My younger-self finished all the cereal and drank all the milk from the bowl. She washed the bowl and utensils and dried them. She went back into her room to ready her clothes for school. She looked around but didn't saw Fiercey anywhere in her room.

Spectrum of SleepOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz