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I would like to thank:


                                                               For giving me the splendid concept
                                                                               that made this book.

People always said that when your time has come and when your moments away from your death, your life flashes before your eyes. A bright white light flashes at you and there you would see all your happy memories and the good things that you had done, and also, of course, the bad things. The memories you wish you didn't have or would want to forget.

The moments you wish you could have done something, anything that would have changed it from bad to good. We all have those and that's one of the worst parts in death. Once you see those, you start feeling the regret, and it will make you wish for more time in life to change those and make amends.

But unfortunately, you can't. Or can you? I don't know, that's how they always described death or at least, that's how I thought it would be. Mine was different. My life didn't end in a white flash, but rather, waking up in a dark place all alone. It's literally pitch black here

I can't see a thing. It's also really cold here. I don't know where I am and there isn't really much clue to figure it out. All I know is that I think I died, but I can't remember how it happened. Maybe this is the purgatory, but shouldn't God be also here with me to judge me on whether I get accepted to Heaven or go straight to Hell?

Well lucky for me, I'm a Christian, a religious one actually. I always pray every night before I go to sleep, and every morning I wake up to start my day. That's how it's always been since I was a kid. My mother would spank or scold me if I ever get lazy to attend Sunday morning mass or forgot a commandment from the Ten Commandments or didn't memorize a bible verse on an afternoon. I thought it was all bullshit, but eventually it stuck with me 'til I became an adult. But none of those can actually seem to help me now. I can't stay here, I'll freeze to death, I need to start moving.

I got up and started walking in a direction I couldn't figure out, but it felt like I was just walking forward. The freezing temperature of the atmosphere and the cold breeze that kept blowing my way slowed my body down as if it was starting to get frozen. After what it seem to be more than 5 minutes, I started shaking.

I was also starting to see my breath every time I exhaled. More minutes has passed and I was moving even slower, step by step by step until eventually I collapsed. I couldn't even feel the ground I was walking on anymore but I doubt there was even a ground. From earlier it felt like I was walking on air.

My body had lost all  its energy and despair was starting to take over me, along with fear. I was starting to lose my head; no more thoughts were running through my mind except one: I would be a real disappointment if I died in real life and died again in this "purgatory." My mother would yell at me for being so weak if she was ever here with me. I am not weak. My mother is wrong, and I am going to prove it to her. Just like that my pride took over me.

"I'm Elliot fucking Mirage and I don't go down that easy without putting up a damn fight." I strongly muttered while trying to get back up on my feet and keep moving.

After regaining back my willpower and successfully got back up on my feet, I tried to look around and boy was I surprised at what I saw: A bright twinkly light straight up ahead. My eyes got big as I slowly raised my right arm to dramatically try to reach the bright light. My legs started to move slowly by step. The bright light I saw gave me hope and more willpower.

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