Chapter 3- blood n tears

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i woke up with the sun shining through my eyes. almost blinded me there, it was shining as bright as a good sunny day. like there was nothing wrong with the world, only the world was full of surviving, dying dead things. everything was wrong with the world, but hey ho! good thing is, there isn't any internet anymore so we don't have to be glued to our phones and accidentally die to one of those things cause we weren't paying attention. candy crush. i hated that game so much!

"hey, wake up." a voice said coming from the zipper of the tent.

"alright alright. i'm up" i replied and got out of the sheets.

i put my boots on and walked outside to see someone had put a little post up for my horse to stay. i went over to the RV and found out a dude named Dale, he was on watch out half the time if not all the time. Andrea, amy and carol were all down the lake washing some clothes. i thought i could go down and help, get to know some of them too! on my way walking down there i ran into someone's child. he had brown hair and freckles all over his face.

"carl! and your molly right? yeah my dad told me about you" he beamed at me. so let me guess this is Rick's child?

"nice to meet you squirt. i'm going to help the ladies with the clothes so if you need anything or want to ask anything i will be down there!" i told him with a smile, he nodded his head and ran off to play with a girl named Sophia.

i had made my way down and soon realised that Carol was Sophias mother.

"i miss my phone" amy said. we laughed at her comment.

"well i miss my vibrator" andrea said just loud enough for everyone to hear. we all started cackling at that, then carol said 'me too'

it was all laughs and fun until Carols husband came over to scold us.

"my clothes aren't washed? hurry up!" Ed ordered. i'm not one to follow the rules so i stuck up for myself.

"we are doing the best we can. they won't dry for another day or less." i stated. realising it made him more angry. if he wants to fight then i will fight.

"Carol we are going. CAROL" he said about to grab her arm. until andrea stepped in.

"she isn't going anywhere with you! we've seen the bruises and cuts you leave her with!" andrea scolded him.

"well, well. couldn't keep your mouth shut could you?" he reached for her arm again.

"i'm sorry." carol said tearing up. it was all a big argument until i decided to step in, having enough.

"alright! listen here, your going to walk away right now okay and no one gets hurt ed." i said bluntly trying to reason without violence.

"i don't understand why your trying to protect her? she's useless! worthless. nothing but trash" he spat at me. i was about ready to tackle him until andrea pushed him. he raised his hand to hit her but i moved in front of his hand and took it.

he looked at me, then back at carol. anger built up inside of him i could tell. this was tense.

"just leave. no one gets hurt if you leave" i gave him one last chance to leave. he stood there and raised his hand. i flinched and tried to block it, but i was late. the stinging left on my cheek. i pushed him back, trying to give the girls room. not exactly wanting to hit back.

his hands clutched into a fist. he raised it but before he could touch me i kicked his shin hard enough for him to fall down onto his knee. he tackled me by my legs sending me onto my back. i grabbed a hold of his collar and slapped him. that was until he pinned me down again, punching me, slapping me. the girls looked worried as the blood spilled. Carol begging him to stop.

"Hey!" a mans voice shouted, with that Ed was pulled off of me. it was another cop, beating him up. once he was done with him Carol ran up to him. repeating her 'sorry s' ... i felt bad for her. i didn't want that to happen, i just him to leave.

the cop had walked off. Jacquie tried to help me with my cuts but i didn't let her, i didn't want to comfortable here. i have a feeling i will have to leave. i walked away from the scene, a single tear fell from my eyes as i walked back to the tent. i didn't want to see anyone for a while, i was embarrassed. my first day here and i'm already getting into trouble. fuck sake!

i took a while to recollect myself, i heard a few footsteps and a car pull up. i went out to see what all the ruckus was.

"merle! merle look what we got!" a voice spoke from a crowd forming. everyone was crowding round.

i wanted to just get straight to the point here, he needed to know and rick sure wasn't going to tell him right now. i look into the middle of it, near the RV to see a brunette man walking around with dead squirrels and a crossbow on his back. he was frantically looking for merle

"Daryl! daryl... merle um" rick started, but he kept stuttering on his words and he just couldn't seem to get it out. shane tried to help rick but he also couldn't exactly say. i was getting fed up at this point. so this was Merles brother Daryl. he was getting tense and i sensed that from the tension.

"he got left behind, i'm planning on going back though so if you want you could join me"

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