Chapter 1- Daisys

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The sun beaming in my eyes, the sweat poring off of my forehead. god i was walking for a whole month, no stopping. luckily i didn't run into any hoards of crawlers. fuck knows if i would survive. i didn't have a map or anything, i always wanted to read a map, never could. i could drive though! every car i had walked past, i tried to hotwire, but most ran out of gas before i could end up anywhere safe.

a rustle behind me made me snap my head. i quickly pulled my sword out in front of me. gripping onto it tightly, i realised it was some sort of animal.

a sheep? no too big. a cow? no too slim. a horse maybe?

i walked up to the animal, putting my hand out it was alert. ears forward and eyes wide. this horse looked like it could be a nice rest for me and my legs here. i slowly kneeled down to grab a handful of grass and put my hand out. it slowly took some steps toward me.

resting my hand on its muzzle, i noticed a little house next to the pasture, i grabbed the horses halter and walked toward the house. hoping it wouldn't move when i let go of it, to see what's inside the house.

i took out my katana when i opened the door, i took some steps inside the house, some floorboards were ripped. the smell of this place gave me the creeps. i heard a crawler groaning from the other side of a door, i braced myself and opened it, quickly it's head hit the ground.

"nice one" i breathed out. i was getting better with retaliation. it was getting more normal to me. instead of flinching away from it. i soon stepped into the living room. well this place was nice, maybe i should camp here for a day or two! nah, probably safer to keep moving, i was running on zero sleep. but it's too risky too try and sleep at the moment.

i crept gently over to the TV it was smashed. damn someone had issues. don't know what they were angry at, or whom. my eye caught onto a saddle and bridle, this must be their horses tack then. i looked around in drawers, bedside tables and looked on shelves in the kitchen to find some first aid stuff and i definitely had lots of food now! i grabbed a few water bottles and a new pair of boots, my old ones had holes and wouldn't last much longer.

i saddled up the horse and mounted up, i think i'm heading to some sort of city, i'm not exactly sure though. i just followed the roads.

the scenery was beautiful! the daisy fields and the rivers. that was until i saw some crawlers struggling to walk on the side of the roads. what evil things they were. i spent a lot of time with them, i knew most of their attacks. biting, scratching! you couldn't let them scratch you. i honestly don't know if we are all somehow effected by what ever this is, could be a disease of some sort... or if it's even curable.

i reached a road with some houses on the sides, i think this was a little village. well the remains of one. the horse spooked at something on the ground and reared up, luckily i specialise with horses, used to train em, until the crawlers appeared. i decided to try and push for a gallop, i asked and he did.

we halted in front of a big city, atlanta, georgia. i had finally made it after these months. i held my lower stomach when a sharp piercing pain passed through my abdomen. i stood up in the stirrups to see a patch of red. great! i had no woman products with me. this is just great! i ran out like a week or two ago. time flies by i guess.

i trotted into the city, turning to the left, huge mistake! i found this massive herd of crawlers, and it looked like someone was here, a tank was there. i looked into the crowd to see what or who they were feasting on. another horse, fuck. could've been good use. i wonder if the person is still here. or did they just abandon their horse and fled for safety.

i saw movement on top of the tank, their was a man. brown hair. police officer by the look of it. i really should turn back, but fuck it. i'm a good person at heart, just i went cold after i hit the age of 14. i pulled out my bow and started shooting some of them. all head shots, no arrows were wasted. i wasn't paying attention to behind me even though i should've been, one sneaky son of a bitch snuck up on me, the horse kicked it sending me flying onto its neck, bursting my lip.

"mother fucker" i hissed through my teeth.

the officer was still struggling to get inside the tank, or off. wherever he was going. i pulled the bows string back to my cheek, taking a breath before releasing it. half of the crowd was dead but still too many for me to take on face to face, i just need to kill about 10-15 more before going hand to hand combat. so that's exactly what i did. shooting everyone of them with my bow, sadly i ran out of arrows.

which was alright, cause i killed enough to go into close combat with them, i grabbed my katana from my back and pushed for a gallop. we went straight into the middle of it. slicing every single head off of them as i could, i knew they would have to be stabbed to be fully dead but for now this was better than nothing.

i was great until i felt the ground.

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