Chapter 2- New friends

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my eyes fluttered open as i looked to my left to see a brown headed man sat in a chair. his head hanging low, either he was asleep or dead. i looked to my right to find another boy sat next to me.

"Glenn, what's yours?" a voice spoke from the boy sitting to my right. i raised an eyebrow as i relaxed it.

"it's sarah." i said bluntly. he looked me in the eye, i avoid eye contact for good reasons.

"your real name." another voice spoke from my left. goddamn they really want a name.

"what's it to you?" i asked them, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"well for starters, we saved your life. glenn and i told you our names, our REAL names, so how about you tell us yours" he exhaled, not looking to argue. i slightly nodded.

"molly. listen i ain't looking for trouble alright. i was helping this dude on top of a tank outside a city, then the next thing i knew i was out cold when i collided with the ground. damn horse must've threw me." i claimed. then i soon realised that the cop on the tank kinda looked like the dude to my left.

"well yeah, i'm the dude on the tank. listen we gotta go. so we got a proposal for you alright" he stopped there.

great. a goddamn proposal, what do they want? sex? money? not sure moneys worth something though. not anymore.

"go on." i said hesitantly. i was sort of intrigued to his offer but i didn't fully trust him.

"you come and join our group! ive seen what you can do out there, with them. killing them. you can protect yourself, you been out here long?" he told me of course asking me a question.

"yeah, i have since i was 14. always been on my own. never had anyone there for me. easier, but why me? what could i do for your group?" i asked him with my eyebrow raised.

"well, you could provide us with more protection, our groups a decent size i think. a lot of mouths to feed but i had a look through what you got in that bag of yours there. you could feed half of us." he stated. and you want me to trust you? damn. you fuckers asking for trouble.

"alright and? take my food then. i will find more out there." i said, just then a sharp pain hit my stomach again. fucking cramps.

"you alright?" the boy on the right asked me. i nodded.

"your not. your bleeding!" he said as he stood up.

"for fucks sake have you not seen a women on her period before!" i was pissed off. i was tired, moody and just wanted to calm down. he sat down, looking embarrassed. i felt a bit bad.

"hold on" Rick got up and went to another room. i think it's rick? i wasn't exactly the best with names.

"here" he came back and handed me a box of tampons. fuck yeah!

"your saving my ass right now" i stood up slowly as i unboxed them. i went through to the other room to insert it.

i came back and they were packing up, i raised my eyebrows in question.

"we are leaving, cmon" he said. we?

"we? hold up. we? as in you and korean boy ?" i tilted my head.

"no you, me and glenn! we've got others waiting, we can't keep them held up out there! we got to go back to camp, i mean unless you want to go back to being lonely and sad then that's fine too." he said looking at my arm. i quickly hid it behind my back. so he knew...

i met a few others as we headed back for camp. T-Dog, jaquei apparently there was merle. but he was a harm to the group? so they handcuffed him to the roof of a building. T-Dog dropped the key so they couldn't get him.

"so why was merle so bad?" i asked glenn.

"well, he is a redneck filthy piece of... yeah. but it's his brother we gotta worry about once he hears what's happened to merle, i mean he's not dead... but Daryl won't care." Glenn told me. i stayed silent for a couple minutes before asking another question.

"what's Daryl going to do?" i asked for my final question. the walk had been pretty silent, it was dark and we were close to camp.

"he'll go on a rage that's for sure. he won't be back right now though so we have time to not get murdered" he half laughed at that. i laughed too.

we soon reached camp just a couple minutes till we saw people. i was still surprised they kept my horse alive, i mean i don't have a bond with this horse. i used to have a horse. i think she's dead by now. we reached camp fully and they all stopped to stare either at me or glenn.

"where's merle?" someone asked.

"handcuffed to the roof of a building..." Glenn dragged on.

"hey meet officer friendly!" he half yelled to not attract any crawlers!

everyone now staring at me, until rick stepped into view. he saw his wife, kid and ran up to them. glad he found them alive. i was pretty impressed they had a lot more people than i expected them to have about 15 possibly more. i guess i would be staying in a tent with someone since they are all taken up. i was very awkward around this group. this is the first group i've come across since the start when all the psycho people got out. i came across a bad group of people surprisingly got out.

"hey! you can take this tent for the night since they aren't going to be back for a while, but when they come back we are going to find you another place for you"

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