Aphmau: Mmm.

Connor turns to see Aphmau sleeping next to him. Connor blushes before crawling back.

Connor: N-No way...I-I was sleeping next to her...I'm dreaming right now.

Connor slapped himself many times...to only open his eyes to see Aphmau still there.

Connor: It...isn't a dream?

Anna: No, it's not.

Connor turn to see Anna.

Anna: You two seemed to enjoy yourselves last night and right now when next to each other.

Connor looked at her, red faced.

Connor: U-Um...

Connor suddenly notice Aphmau waking up.

Aphmau: Ahh...Connor? Morning...morning Anna.

Anna: Morning sweetie.

Connor: M-Morning, how did you sleep?

Aphmau: Well, you?

Connor- S-Same.

Aphmau got up and began walking to the door.

Aphmau: I'll be back...need the bathroom.

She said sleeply as she exit the room and Connor turns to Anna.

Connor: Um...so why are you so pouty?

Connor asked as he saw that Anna was pouting.

Aliza: None of your business, playboy.

Connor: P-Playboy?! I ain't a playboy!

Anna: Sure.

Connor sighs before getting up, exiting the room.

Connor: I'm gonna get some breakfast.

Connor exits the room and walked to the kitchen.

It was currently time for school and Connor and Aphmau walked towards the school.

Connor: Aphmau...you ok? You look upset.

Aphmau: Y-Yeah, just thinking.

Connor was confused to what's wrong but ignored it not wanting to force Aphmaut to say something she doesn't with to, as much as he wanted to help her.

Connor and Aphmau got to school and saw everyone. Everyone smiles but then look in shock to see Connor was now smiling and his eyes were alive.

Trinity: Connor...your eyes.

Connor smiles warmly, happy.

Connor: What what about them?

She smiles.

Trinity: Nothing, never mind.

Connor: K.

With that, they went inside and went through the day.

Connor was walking when he notice a poster to something. Connor looks at it to see it was for a type of disco to celebrate the end of the term. Connor smiles before walking away, thinking of asking someone but doesn't know what they would say.

Walking around, Connor notice Aphmau with somoene. Getting close, Connor heard their conversation.

Aphmau: I said no, I don't want to go to the disco with you! I have someone I want to go with.

Boy: Come on, what does the guy have that I don't?

Aphmau: Manners, taking a no when its said--

Boy: Oh come on! I know I'm better! I--

Connor: Hey.

They turn to Connor.

Connor: She said no, so its a no.

Boy: Oh shut up fatty and get lost.

Connor approach them and push the boy away.

Connor: Back off.

Boy: You--

He tried to punch Connor but he dodge and Connor punch him in the gut, making him fall to the ground.

Connor: I said back off.

Connor turn to Aphmau.

Connor: Come on.

She nods and Connor took her by the hand, walking towards a area away from them. Connor and Aphmau stop and Connor lets go of her hand.

Connor: Good, we lost him.

Aphmau: Yeah...

Connor looks at Aphmau, seeing she looked thirsty. Looking around, Connor saw a drinking fountain.

Connor: Hey, there's a drinking fountain over there, you should get a drink.

Aphmau: Yeah...

She walked to it and drinks some, getting enough water before turning to Connor.

Aphmau: Ah...thank you for helping.

Connor: No problem...what was that about?

Aphmau: People were asking me to go with them go the disco to tomorrow night...I got someone I wanted to go with so I decline.

Connor: Really? Who?

Aphmau blushes.

Aphmau: I-I'm not ready to say...I don't know if he wants to go with me...

Connor looks at her before smiling.

Connor: Well, I guess I can't ask.

Aphmau: Huh?

Connor: If you had someone you'd want to go with, I can't ask you to go since you'd be with them.

She blushes.

Aphmau: Y-You wanted to go? With me?

Connor nods.

Connor: But I won't make you, I hope the person you wanna ask fells the same! I'll see you later.

Connor walked away, leaving Aphmau, looking down before taking a breath.

Aphmau: Connor, you Dummy....your the person I wanted to go with.

The Broken BoyWhere stories live. Discover now