Chapter 7

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Connor stares at the man, his eyes dull and dead but gave a murderous vibe, making the man scared, seeing a monster instead of a child.

Man: W-What the...

Connor stared at him before using his speed to get to the man in seconds and throw one punch to the man's chin, breaking his jaw and knock him out.

Connor looks down at him as the murderous aura fade, turning to Aphmau.

Connor: Lets go.

Aphmau: O-Ok.

They report the man and took away, also calling their parents as they got some guards to gather their friends and once the parents were there, they took the kids home.

As Connor sits on the couch, he turns to Anna.

Connor: Hey, Anna? I wanted to ask.

She turns to him.

Connor: About what the man the other night said...

She was silent, expecting Connor to say something bad about her.

Connor: Please don't work there anymore.

She turns to Connor.

Connor: Your a very lovely woman...I don't know what the job is, but from what the man said, the job isn't exactually good and you don't deserve it, you deserve a better job.

Anna looks at him heroes looking down.

Anna: But...I don't know what to do...I ain't good at

Connor looks at her before speaking.

Connor: Well, you make delicious deserts so why bot he a baker?

Anna: Huh?

Connor: You cook great deserts and such, so I think its a great job for you.

Anna looks down.

Anna: Maybe...but they won't let me go easy.

Connor looks at her for a moment before hugging her.

Connor: Anna, you don't deserve to have every right to be happy too...and I know your not happy where you are now.

Anna looks at Connor before hugging him.

Anna: kind.

She began crying and Connor stare blankly at the wall, getting angry at the people. He doesn't want Anna to hurt, he doesn't want her to do things she doesn't want to, but instead be happy.

Connor knew what to do, but didn't say, not wanting to worry Anna.

As Connor walked down the street, he looks at the place Anna worked. Sneaking though the back, saw a back door that was connected the bosses office. Connor then took out his phone, ready to record anything that could be used against them if needed.

The door was open a crack and Connor peeked inside, pressing play on the record and it hears his conversation with someone.

Boss: Man, these whores are good at their job, we're rich thanks their their work, this is why women are toys.

Connor makes a small growl, feeling anger. They started talking about disgusting things they do to women like blackmail, force a task or blam, treat them like trash and just saying what they do or think of women in general until they said something that made Connor seriously angry.

Boss: And that Anna, damn she's fine, if anything, I found my next rape victim.

At that moment, Connor stop the recording, put his phone away and run inside, not caring if there were more then one person.

The Broken BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ