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after eating sasuke offered to take me back home which i declined. i felt much better after eating and i wanted to walk around more. and you guys might be thinking, "so he dropped you off on the side of the road?" NO. this asshole followed me THE. ENTIRE. TIME. he parked his stupid fancy car at a restaurant and followed me to a park i went to often. it was somewhat ran-down and old. "a park?" the uchiha asks. "don't you have like work to do or something?" i huff, climbing up towards the slide. "nope, my parents still work for the company," he responds, following me. i nod, making myself comfortable at the top of the slide. "do you come here often?" "stop prying." sasuke laughs, sitting in front of me. "why are you still following me?" i roll my eyes. "we're friends, are we not?" he questions. i raise a brow, meeting his gaze. "i'm not your friend, and i don't want to be your friend," i mumble. "why's that?" "why do you want to be my friend?" sasuke looked up at the sky in thought, humming quietly. "you seem very interesting, like you have a story to tell. plus, i think it's only fair you be my friend since i have yet to rat you out to the police," he says, smiling.

"we can't be friends," i shrug. "it's only natural that rich boys like you stay away from people like me," i note, nodding my head. "i think that's ridiculous to say. money doesn't mean anything," sasuke frowns. i shake my head, laughing. "sure money doesn't, but status does. i appreciate your help, but i don't need nor want it," i mumble. "give me your number," the raven says sternly. right when i was starting to somewhat tolerate this asshole he goes asking for my number, as if he was getting it. "i'll pass," i mumble, going down the slide and starting my walk home. sasuke however was not taking no for an answer, he caught up to me, asking for it again. i pretend i can't hear him and he asks over and over a fucking gain. "jesus, i said no," i hiss. "just give me it," he says. i ignore him again, sighing out of relief as my apartment complex appears. i run up my stairs quickly, fiddling with my keys to unlock the door. "why're you in such a hurry?" of course, he's right fucking behind me. i sigh heavily, pushing my door open and walking inside. i hear the door click behind me and lock. "oh wow," i hear the raven mumble. yeah, get a good look at it. you're dying in here asshole.

i toss my keys on my counter and grab an empty bag. i begin picking trash up off my living room floor, though there wasn't much. don't get me wrong, sure i had bear cans all over my floor every now and then, but my house was never "dirty." i made sure of that. i finish cleaning the living room and make my way into the kitchen, dumping the trash. i smile at myself, skipping off into my room where the uchiha already was, laying on MY bed. "what do you think you're doing?" i raise a brow. "laying down," he says, shrugging. "yeah, laying down in MY bed," i huff. "so what?" "you're so annoying." i pick up the shoes off my floor and line them up neatly in my closet and clean off my desk. i lazily lay down beside sasuke, my body dying to have at least one pill. HOWEVER, i didn't have any because the asshole beside me fucking threw them away and i didn't have any money. i grin evilly. i might not have any money but sasuke does. "sasukeeee," i coo, sitting up. the uchiha whos eyes were closed, opened to meet mine. "what?" he asks. "can i have likeee twenty dollars? i'll pay you back," i say, forcing the happiest smile i could pull off. "what do you need it for?" he narrows his eyes at me.

maybe i should just kick him out? he still owes me money anyways from throwing my other pills away so it's just like he's paying me back. i roll my eyes, "why do you need to know?" i groan. "you're not getting money from me so you can go buy drugs," he tsks. do you guys think rich men fall for sexual acts? y'know like in the movies the girl always bribes the rich man by like giving him head or some shit. well! let's test that out. i bite the inside of my cheek, climbing on top of sasuke. dear god, this is so fucking embarrassing. "uhm, what're you doing?" the raven asks, furrowing his brows. oh my god, oh my god, what do i say? "i'll have sex with you if you say yes," i grin. "no, i'm not having sex with you, and no, i'm not giving you any money," he hisses, shoving me aside. "i don't even know your name," he frowns. "it's naruto, naruto uzumaki," i huff, my plan failed, miserably. "god, you're desperate for those pills," the uchiha rubs his head as he sits up, staring at me. my face reddens from embarrassment as i look away. "there's plenty of others things you could do rather than drugs," he continues. i roll my eyes shrugging. "don't care, if i wanted to do something else besides drugs, i would've done it sooner," i whine.

"why don't you value your life?" he asks, inching closer to me. "what's there to value? i don't see the reason to cherish life. i mean, there's nothing special to life, if you really think about it," i hum, watching my feet swing from my bed. "you say that because you haven't enjoyed your life, there's plenty of things that are special about life," sasuke frowns. "those are words coming from someone who is rich regardless of if you have a job or not. i can't afford to enjoy life," i roll my eyes. "i can change that," sasuke speaks calmly. "ehhh, what makes you say that?" i furrow my brows. "give me your number," sasuke grins, handing me his phone. i groan, pulling the phone from him and adding my number into his contacts. "let's hangout tomorrow." "alright."

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