"Alright, Kongpob. Leave the rest to me. You make sure Arthit is alright first. Do you want to go in the car to the hospital?"

"No! In case Arthit feels sick, someone will be there to attend to him immediately, at least," he replied, worried, and seeing Kongpob's fear, Dan nodded in understanding.

Kongpob then turned again to Pok, and handing him his business card, bowed deeply again to thank him.

"Khun Pok, this is my card. Please call me if you ever need anything. Anything at all! Whenever you feel the need. I will never forget the person who helped my husband. So please, if ever I get a chance to repay your kindness, I will be thankful for that opportunity," Kongpob urged earnestly, and Pok was shaken by the depth of his feelings. All he could do was nod mutely.

"P'Dan will take care of everything and accompany you to the police station. Thank you so much for everything you have done. I can't thank you enough!"

"Thank you for your help K'Pok," Arthit smiled softly, and flustered Pok could only smile back. Who did he end up helping, Pok wondered? They were so kind and polite.

"Hello, Khun Pok! I am Dan Singkharawas. I am the personal assistant to Khun Kerklai Suttilak of Siam Polymers. I will accompany you to the police station. Please give me a moment while I arrange for the car to be towed to the garage."

While Dan dealt with the logistics, Arthit was helped into the ambulance, where Kongpob joined him and sat wrapping his arm around his husband's shoulder.

"If you feel uncomfortable or any discomfort, you will have to tell us immediately," Kongpob instructed, and Arthit nodded as he sat tensely next to his husband. He hated the idea of going to the hospital, but he knew he had to get a thorough check-up to ensure he was alright. What he experienced today showed him how fleeting and precious life is, and he wanted to be around for a long time and live a long, fulfilling life with Kongpob and the people he loved.

Kongpob was seriously worried even though he kept a stoic face. He didn't want Arthit to be any more stressed than he already was. The thoughts ricocheting through his head were scary, and he was trying his best to keep them in check!

What if Arthit was injured internally? What would the tests show? Though he tried his best to not show his fear, he felt a tight band constricting his heart with worry. The sense of dread that had him in its grip since he had heard about the accident was making it impossible for him to relax or breathe. He had to get Arthit to the hospital first. 

Seeing the car toppled like that had shocked him. He knew Arthit was a cautious and safe driver. For a sports car to topple at average speed was baffling him. He had so many questions, but he didn't want to bother Arthit with those now. Getting Arthit to the hospital was his priority. Nothing could be more important than Arthit's safety.

Holding his hand, he was squeezing it tight, unaware of his action, and Arthit understanding his fears, gripped his hands just as tightly.

When they reached the hospital, Arthit was taken into the emergency, and thankfully the department was relatively empty, hence there was no unnecessary delay.

Over the next two hours, Arthit was tested, and the entire time Kongpob felt like his heart was in his mouth. Arthit being the brave trooper, tried to smile and cheer Kongpob while going through the battery of tests. Kerklai and Apinya had reached the hospital, so having them around was a big support to Kongpob. Arthit, on the other hand, was feeling bad about worrying his family members so much. Seeing Apinya's gray pallor, Arthit held her close, assuring her he was okay.

After what felt like hours, the doctor came and gave them the good news that everything with Arthit was indeed alright, did the family heave a sigh of relief. Apinya hugged Arthit and sobbed pitifully, relieved that he was alright, while Kerklai too wrapped his arm around his sobbing wife and son-in-law. 

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