Chapter 35: Now or never

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Dream POV

Dream's head was spinning as he sat staring out the window of Sapnap's car. He knew what he had to do, and he knew that it was the right thing. Still, it tore him apart. There's no doubt that everything that was going on was both illegal and harmful. Nonetheless, it was a place that gathered people that had nowhere else to go. These people were seen as the lowest of society, no one cared what happened to them. People died there on a regular basis, but Dream had never seen any cop involvement or news articles regarding the ones that died.

Neon lights from signs at the side of the road flashed by Dream's eyes. He was tired but had promised to follow his friends and see tonight's street race. Quackity, Punz and Foolish were all racing.

The ravenette had insisted that Dream would go with him. The atmosphere was tense, but Sapnap's fury wasn't as eminent as before. Yet they both knew that the conversation wasn't over. Dream's mind was all over the place. He needed Wilbur and he needed a chance to come clean to his friends. Their lives were bound to end miserably if they continued this path. Dream had witnessed first-hand how cruel this world could be. But at the same time, they seemed happy. Despite the sometimes rather immoral choices, they seemed content with life.

And he would be the one to rip it all away.

"You know. Even if I didn't notice that it was you. I did notice the difference in George's behavior." Sapnap's words ripped him out of his trance.

"In what way?"

The ravenette wavered. "George was never the same. He became cold towards everyone and everything. But ever since your return. He's seemed happier." Dream didn't know what to say, so Sapnap continued.

"I think your return brought him out of a dark place. Even if I might not understand your reasoning and I'll always wish that you would've acted different. I know the special bond you two have. I love George, but I sure as hell never seem to understand that guy completely."

Dream huffed. "Trust me, I don't claim to understand him either."

Sapnap was drumming his fingers against the steering wheel before making the car go even faster than the already illegal speed they were at right now. "I think you'll either be his salvation or his downfall. I just haven't figured out which one yet."

The words felt like a punch to the gut. Dream was like 99% certain that it would be the latter.

They were now side by side with George, Karl and Quackity. The insane speed made it feel like they were flying. Dream could see himself getting used to this. However, Sapnap decided to disturb the euphoric feeling by slowly getting out of his seat. When Dream realized what his friend was about to do, he panicked.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Sapnap grinned in his direction.

"Ready to be the driver Dreamy-boy?" He wasn't given a chance to answer before Sapnap lowered the window and, not so elegantly, started climbing to the roof of car. Dream's survival instincts kicked in as he grabbed the steering wheel. Sapnap was nearly out of the car and Dream crawled over to the driver seat.

Adrenaline was taking over every cell of his body as he figured out what was about to happen. He'd seen people car-surf before. George was mimicking Sapnap's moves on the purple car. He prayed that they were just going to sit on top of the cars, 

But of course they weren't.

A reckless and exhilarating expression was obtaining George features. Dream had never seen the brunette look so different. He looked free and a wide grin covered his face. Although Dream might think they were utterly stupid, the brit's smile sure was contagious and he felt the corner of his own mouth rise. This was the part of George that he adored the most. The times where he didn't make everything he felt invisible towards the world.

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