Chapter 32: The crew boys

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Dream POV

Dream was tangled up in a combination of arms and sheets. Confusion was the first reaction, but it was slowly replaced by surprise. Soft, dark locks tickled his chin and arms were hugging his torso. Their last fight made an appearance, the words that George had uttered cut through the peaceful moment. Dream knew that he was in a shitty situation and he'd no idea on how to solve it. It was just a matter of time before Sapnap and Karl found out about his identity. The thought worried him, but not as much as the thought of when the curled brunette by his side realized his true intentions for returning to LA.

The moment was peaceful, nonetheless. Dream couldn't figure out why George would've agreed to his desperate pleads from last night. The brit had made his thoughts about Dream perfectly clear. Still, he was deep asleep with his head on Dream's chest. It was a nostalgic feeling and in this moment, when George was capture by sleep, he looked like boy that Dream once fell in love with. The reserved facade was nowhere to be found and a content expression painted the pale face.

It must've been like 5 am. The sky contained every color of the rainbow and the sun was soon to rise. Dream had promised Sapnap to join him back at the fighting arena. His next fight was schedule for tonight. He allowed himself to carefully place a kiss on George forehead before as quiet as possible detangling himself from the other. It was probably for the best. If George would've woken up, it would've been an awkward situation.

Dream quickly got dressed, positioned the mask and threw George one last glance before leaving the room.

Sapnap had forced him to get a new phone and had texted him to meet him. Dream figured that it would involve some sort of preparation, but the building was completely empty when he arrived. He furrowed his brows. Something was off. 

Out of nowhere, a red-haired individual appeared and made his way towards him.

"Clay?" The person's knowledge of his birthname was unsettling. The guy got closer. He wore a mask that resembled a fox. Dream vaguely recalled seeing him around. He didn't dare to answer and the other must've sensed it.

"Ms. Soot told me to inform you that I'm the one whose been leaking information to the CIA and also the person that will be your link to the headquarters."

So, this was the inside man that his boss had talked about. 

Dream was a bit on defense about all of this. "What does she want?" The guy smirked behind the mask. "Oh, nothing. She just wants to congratulate you on how well you're getting along with your old friends." He remarked that the guy knew about his past history tied to this place. When he'd moved, he'd done everything in his power to bury the past, not even his boss was supposed to know about his former life.

"How do you know all of this." 

The masked man laughed condescendingly. "Did you really think that she sent you here by coincidence?" 

The thought had occurred, but when someone spoke it out loud, if suddenly felt obvious that the calculated woman had a plan when she chose specifically send him.

The mysterious guy closed the distance and gave Dream a pat on the shoulder. "Keep it up and you'll soon get to leave this place." 

The man was about to walk away, but stopped in his tracks. "Oh yeah, Sapnap's in the first room to the right if you walk up the stairs." And so he left. The words seemed ominous, so Dream hurried. He found Sapnap unconscious and leaning against a wall.

Dream's heart started racing. "No, no, no. Nick, please wake up." He violently shook the ravenettes shoulders to try and get a response. If that psycho had killed his friends, the fox wouldn't be the only one with the capacity to kill someone. 

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