Chapter 11

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Y/n is still think about that dream, 'maybe it's the cliff I sat down that night..' Y/n thought as they rushed down stairs and was greeted  by Almond cookie cooking breakfast, "Oh I see your awake, Why are you in such a rush?"  Almond said as he set the food on the table.

"I just need to look at something.." Y/n replied as they slowly back up to the door, "Not yet kiddo You have to eat first, Go wake up Cream puff and Walnut." Almond said as his hands are crossed.

Y/n did what they were told as a sign of defeat, "I guess I'll have to go check later." Y/n thought as they knock on the doors who both of the girls responded "In a Minute!".

Y/n went back downstairs and sat down on the table, "What did they say?" Almond asked as he sat next to Y/n.

"They said in a minute." Y/n said, "Alright then, do you wanna tell about last night?" Almond said as awaited Y/n to start.

"Oh okay.. Well as I told you that it's a tradition or a habit right? It's always want I remember, My mom and dad would always do this to have in contact with My ancestors.." Y/n explained,
"When did you all started doing the tradition?" Almond asked, "Well, it was a little over a year ago, when they told me about it.. That was the only way we can bond to be honest with you.." Y/n said as they looked down.

"Ah.. I see.. well then, can I have a description of your parents?" Almond asked once again, "Okay.. My Mom is a fashion designer,she wasn't popular at all back in My village due to being poor mostly.. but her works are out there somewhere.. My Dad is a little bit different, he doesn't really work to earn, rather to work to protect.. so he is a lumberjack and one of the warriors.." Y/n said.

"Ah.. I see.. so they must really care for each other right?" Almond asked, "No. They always fight with each other.. But they forgive each other in the end!" Y/n said.

"Do they always fight with you around?" Almond asked again, "Y-yes... b-but it's not always mostly half of the time.." Y/n said getting really upset with every question that Almond asked.

"I see.. Tell me.. Did anything traumatic or rather a very bad thing that happened to you?" Almond asked again, "I- I-.. Yeah.. the- that-that night.. of my village.. The sky turned red.. very.. scary.. night.. t- too many screaming..
t -too many begging.. too many p-pulling.. I- I.. too much.. of everything.. Why.. did they hurt them... why.. why.." Y/n said with every 'Why' getting quieter and quieter.

Almond sighed and got up and held Y/n shoulder who snapped back to reality, "Don't worry kiddo, you're safe now okay? You won't ever experience something like that again.." Almond reassured Y/n, though Y/n felt no reassurance with his words.

Regardless they just nodded in response.

Soon Walnut and Cream puff went downstairs and greeted the 2 cookies a good morning, Almond gets up and goes back to the stove.

After they all ate they went outside and goes through their separate ways, Walnut and Cream puff going to the cafe while Y/n just walk anywhere.

Y/n had a hunch, is their a meeting today? Where are all the adults?

Almond cookie got dressed and ran downstairs, locking the door.

He ran towards the Castle, a few more runnings later he came across 2 big and tall doors, as he opened it he greeted the cookies their and apologized for being late.

Almost all the adult cookies gather around as Almond sat down, "So.. Have you got anything on them?" Pure Vanilla asked.

"They did open up, though they seem very upset. I didn't really sugarcoated it, so--" Almond said as he was cut off by Latte.

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child) DiscontinuedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin