Chapter 17

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This chapter contains eye hurting colors in an image, just be warned


Many of the Watchers looked around the Dark Cacao Kingdom, ordered by the King.

They were never found.

Dark Cacao has sent both Churchy Chip and Caramel Arrow to send the report of Y/n's incident to the Cookie Kingdom, he felt shameful to show his face to the Cookies there, especially to his friends.

Dark Cacao vowed to find Y/n, if not, he can never show his face in that kingdom again.

He suddenly felt a feeling of deja vu, a feeling too familiar, going back to that cursed day..

The Lost of The Prince, Dark Choco Cookie, his son..

●~Arrived at the Cookie Kingdom~●

Once there, Caramel and Churchy Chip immediately bolted it out and up to castle, Churchy Chip ignoring the greetings, while Caramel was the one who would greet them back.

They ran up the steps and busted through the Castle doors, to see Pure Vanilla and Hollyberry having a meeting with GingerBrave.

"Isn't a little bit rude of you to bust in here?" Hollyberry asked with a hint of sass, Pure Vanilla lighty laughed and turn his attention to the two cookies.

"I'm glad to you two in one piece, where's Dark Cacao and Y/n?" Pure Vanilla asked as the two cookies tried to speak, but was a panting mess.

Soon Caramel mustered a few words, "Y.. N.. is G-gone.." Caramel Arrow said still struggling to breath.

Pure Vanilla's face turned from calm to mortified, as he stood up immediately covering his mouth, only mustering "Please excuse me." in a murmur voice.

He started to walk out, leaving the two to Hollyberry, who is not taking the news lightly, GingerBrave soon ran to Pure Vanilla.

"Pure Vanilla! Wait! Where are you going!?" GingerBrave asked loudly as the two cookies went down the stairs in a hurry.

"I am going to see Dark Cacao myself, I need answers coming from his mouth." Pure Vanilla replied as he asked Madeleine to get a carriage ready, "My friend, Where are you going?" Hollyberry asked as she carried the two cookies in each of her arms.

"I am going to visit our Dear friend in the Dark Cacao Kingdom." Pure Vanilla replied with a straightforward and happy face, but deep down he was pissed.

This cold stormy weather of the Dark Cacao kingdom only got aggressive, with every step the 2 cookies did.

"Why did we have to leave?" Y/n asked, their curiosity started to clutter in their mind.

"I believe that I told you beforehand." Affogato said, hinting a sense of annoyance in his voice.

"I- I don't think you said any-" Y/n was about to protest, when Affogato whipped around and pulled onto Y/n's arm.

"I do not like it when Cookies disrespect me after I helped them, if you want me to help you further, I would suggest not to go over my limit." Affogato said, letting go harshly of Y/n's arm.

A better life? (Cookie run kingdom x non-binary child) DiscontinuedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora