~ Garden of Evil ~

Start from the beginning

"Un-uh! Un-uh!"

He runs off. Iago chases after him.

"Hey! Union rules, hairball!"

They zoom past Genie that caused his turban to cover his eyes. He swung his sword around.

"Where is he!? Unhand the royal jewels!"

Aladdin comes up to him while avoiding the swings and pulls his turban back up.

"He's not here, Genie. But we have to stay awake."

Genie turns into beatniks and starts playing bongo drums.

"Genie is one cool cat. Man, that swings!"

"Genie! Genie!" Y/N exclaimed, hearing how loud it was.

"Huh? Oh, yes."

"Genie, you'll wake Jasmine and the sultan."

"Right! We mustn't wake them from their soothing slumber in their big, soft, comfy beds."

Genie yawns again. Y/N rolls her eyes and walks out of the treasure room patrol to go check on Jasmine. As she did, she bumps into someone's chest and looks up to see Razoul.

"Oh! Sorry!"

"It's alright. How's your patrol?"

"It's fine. Though I don't think my brother and my friends are in a position to keep guard on the treasure room. They can barely keep their eyes open."

This made Razoul annoyed.

"Kind of like my royal guards. I'll keep an eye on the treasure room. Where are you off to?"

"To check on Jasmine."

Razouls nods in approval.

"That's good. I'll see you there, my flower."

He kisses her on the head and heads off. Y/N smiles, blushing. She pulls out her rare flower that she placed by her hair to see it's still alive as she made sure of it. This flower gives her good memories. Y/N places it back in her hair and heads towards Jasmine's room. She slowly opens it and heads inside. What she didn't notice is those vines begin creeping into Jasmine's bedroom as soon as she opens the door.

Y/N checks to see her sleeping and smiles. She was about to turn to see nothing bad happened when she saw vines all over the room. She's about to warn Jasmine when the vines tied her up and covered her mouth. Though she managed to make as much noise as possible as she dropped her sword and her dagger.

Jasmine wakes up and sees her friend bound up. She tries to scream from her room when the vines cover her mouth as well. At the same time, Sultan wakes up after having a same nightmare and reality hits him.


This got the gang to wake up from sleeping as they heard Sultan's distress. This also got Razoul's attention when he's about to wake up Aladdin and the gang.

"Huh?" Genie questioned.

"What?" Aladdin questioned.

"Princess Jasmine?" Razoul questioned.

Aladdin's eyes widens in realization.

"The most precious treasure!"

Razoul also remembers something important.

"Y/N is in there!"

"Oh no! Sis!!"

They took off onto Carpet as fast as they could and found Sultan trying to get in her room.

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