Dark Moon - 1

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“You really expect me to believe that you're my mother?” Dad basically laughs at Athena, who Mom had invited inside just so we could clear this out. She had introduced herself formally as Athena Bishop. Which might or might not be her real name, so I might have asked Stiles to look her up. Stiles had gone to do that and because this was a family situation and he felt out of place. Although I kind of wanted him to stay, maybe it was for the best. 

Athena nods. “You can choose to believe me or not. The choice is yours. But I am your mother.”

Dad shakes his head as he paces in the living room, he is growing angry. He’s doing that thing where his fingers twitch. Athena seemed to have spotted the tick as well. “I know I’m not your mom,” She said as she stood. “And I would have stayed out of your life if I thought you didn’t need me.” 

“And I don’t.” 

“But you do.” 

Mom and I exchanged glances. Athena turned around to face us, face me. “Isabelle here is growing into her abilities and she needs me to understand them.” 

“Wait,” Mom said as she lifted her hand from the counter to point at Athena. “Are you saying you know what’s going on with Isabelle? Those explosions of color?” 

“Explosions of power.” Athena corrected but she ultimately nodded. But before she does any explaining she turns to Dad once more. “I know I’m not your mom, I would have loved to be your mother.” 

“Then why didn’t you?” Dad questioned her as he put his hands on his hips. “Why did you give me up for adoption?” 

“I didn’t want to give you up.” She said it in such a calm voice, but judging by the pheromones around her she wanted to snap. “I did it to protect you.” 

Ah, more family secrets. Apparently. Dad motioned for her to explain what she meant. Athena sighs, she puts her purse down and sits on the couch. I lean in to listen to her explanation clearly. “We come from a long line of witches-“ 

“Hold up!” I exclaimed, pausing her story when she said the word witches. She turned to me and I squinted at her. I had no idea if I had heard things or not. “Did you just say witches?” 

Athena nods. I sat back a little shocked, I think I could actually see my brain explode in my head. “But witches aren’t real.” Dad argued. Athena gave him a pointed look. “And neither are werewolves or banshees, or kitsunes.” Wait, was she referring to-? 

“Like I was saying. The Salem Witch trials were real. But they never actually executed any witches. Only humans. We are a nearly extinct type of species.” 

“Wait do you mean witches like,” I pointed down because I didn’t exactly feel comfortable saying it. Every single movie ever created about witches always states that witches are servants of the he who shall not be named.

Athena hunches her shoulders. “Somewhat. Witches are born to be guardians of nature. But occasionally, there are few witches who prefer to switch sides. They practice Dark Magic, we practice white magic.” And I’m going to assume white means good. 

“It’s not against the rules for witches and other types of species to procreate,” Ugh does she have to use that word. It makes it seem like some sort of business deal. “But it does taint the offspring's magic.” She paused, turning to look at Dad. “Few hunters know we exist." I was about to say if they were like witch hunters like Hansel and Gretel witch hunters with Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton but that felt like a comment I should keep to myself.

"Because of the fact we don’t fraternize with other supernatural creatures. Your biological father was a werewolf. We were attacked in our home. They must have been watching us for a while because they attacked the night after the full moon.” 

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