Part One Section One: A Whole New Hyrule-Zelda

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Zelda felt strange, dizzy wasn't the right word. Maybe off? She couldn't say. She looked around. Hyrule field, grey clouds swirling above. Was this Hyrule field? Zelda struggled to her feet, but her knees felt weak, and she collapsed to the ground once again. Her head started to pound; Zelda felt faint. She fell back to the grass she just got up from. Her eyes closing and the world going dark once again.

Waking up slowly, putting her hand to her head and groaning softly, Zelda examined her surroundings. A different area than last, something was draped around her. She lay against a tree and a fire blazed a few feet away. Zelda looked over, seeing the Hero of Hyrule sitting diagonally to her. He looked into the flames; the blue that stared into the embers distant as she remembered them being. Link's head came up and he looked over at her, his eyes searching hers. Looking very disheveled, His armor he wore was muddied and dented in some places. and he had a long gash across the side of his face, dried blood flaked along his skin.

"Hello, Link." Zelda smiled wearily. It was just like one hundred years ago. But in so many ways different. He gave her a small nod. She saw he hasn't changed one bit since she last saw him. Still the stoic knight Zelda grew to get used to. Her head pounded and she groaned, a hand coming up and against her head. He watched her, his concern showing through. He pulled the sheikah slate off his belt and tapped a few things, then, out of thin air a small vile solidified in front of him. Appearing in a flurry of blue fragments. Link handed it to her.

"Here." He said. She took it from him, and nodded a small thank you. Zelda looked down at the ml, it looked to be a elixir of some kind. She sipped from the rim and Zelda immediately felt the pain in her joints melt away. She took another sip and the pain in her head dissipated. He also took a swig of his own drink. The gash on his face immediately disappeared into thin air. He looked rejuvenated and less beat down, Zelda could have sworn some of that mud that was on him earlier was gone now too. Zelda sat a bit straighter, feeling much more rejuvenated than a few minutes ago. The thing draped around her fell off of Zelda's shoulders. She now realized it was his champions tunic. The blue fabric with white stitching embroidered on it. Zelda looked down at the tunic, holding it in her hands. Running her fingers across the blue. She felt a tear slip down her face. She wiped it away quickly, not wanting to show any sort of weakness in front of this knight. Not again, not ever. The dark clouds were dissipating to show and evening sky, pink, orange, and yellow hues. Standing, Zelda dusted off her prayer dress. It did not help at all, stained with dirt, sweat and a little bit of blood. Link looked her over. His eyes drifting over the tears, and stains. His eyes always made her feel fidgety. They were deep, tranquil, yet always overflowing with a look of curiosity. Wanting to know what's across every mountain and behind every tree. He has seen, explored, and heard of many places across Hyrule. Probably overturned every stone too. Link stood, tossing her a Hylian cloak. She took it and clutched it close to her chest.

"It's not a good Idea for people knowing that your back." He started to walk quickly, almost a jog. She followed behind him, wondering why nobody should know.

"Link! Wait, slow down!" She said trying to catch up with him. He stopped turning to look towards her. She stopped, panting in front of him. "What do you mean, 'not a good idea'?" He looked around him and then back at her.

"Yiga clan. And everyone thought you were dead, then suddenly your back to life again?" He took the cloak out of her hands, and put it around her shoulders, clipping it. Then pulling the hood over her head. "Now keep your head held low and don't say a word." She nodded, pulling the cloak a little tighter around herself. He pulled out the sheikah slate and put his hand on her shoulder. She flinched, looking over at the knight. And then Zelda felt as if her body wasn't her own anymore. She watched as her figure started to blow away, Turing into blue fragments. She started to panic, confused and bewildered. They both were gone. What happened next was hard for Zelda to describe. She couldn't feel her limbs or arms or anything. Until her body came back to her in a whole new area. She was shocked. Looking around they were in a totally different region of Hyrule! She turned to look at Link, who looked as if this the most normal thing to ever occur. He started to walk up to a building. It looked strange, like a collapsed windmill mixed with a circus tent. Maybe a horse head? He leaned on the counter saying something to the man who stood there. She followed on his heels. Link leaned on the counter.

"Link!" The man smiled through his mustache. "Here for Epona I presume?" Link nodded.

"And Storm." He raised an eyebrow and nodded, not asking any questions. Link rounded the weird building, and Zelda hurried after him. Link took the reins of the two horses. One of pure white. Storm. She couldn't hold herself back, she went up and let the horse sniff her hand. Feeling something she hasn't felt in a while. She felt happy. Just for a second. But the second was long enough to make her feel ten times better. "Thanks Tasseren." Link said, leading the horses away. He passed her Storm's reins and jumped up on Epona in one, fluid motion. Like has done it hundreds of times. She climbed aboard her own steed. "It's time to go see Impa." 

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