*Chapter Twenty Seven*

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It was rare for Luke and Rhiannon to be apart from each other for too long these days. Even though both of their schedules were packed full of work and school, it was difficult for Marnie to get Rhiannon to herself even for just one night. Marnie loved that her best friend was happy, but she was feeling a bit neglected. So Marnie did what any best friend would do, she demanded a girls night from Rhiannon.

Rhiannon's apartment looked like a tornado had touched down and left destruction in its path. Pillows and blankets were spread across the floor to make some sort of nest. The coffee table was full of seltzer cans and various snacks.

The women who were currently wrapped up in three blankets each had face masks covering their faces. They were in a competition to see who could go the longest without cracking their mask. Rhiannon had a straw in her seltzer can, as to not speed along cracking her mask.

Rhiannon and Marnie had some horror movie on in the background, but they weren't particularly paying attention.

"Tell me all the dirty details about Luke," Marnie nudges Rhiannon in the side.

"I've already told you everything, Marn. Well at least everything I'm willing to share."

Marnie huffed and crossed her arms. "looks like we'll need to get you some stronger alcohol so we can get the juicy stuff out of you." Marnie grabbed the tequila off the coffee table in front of them.

"Look, can we talk about something other than Luke tonight? It's girls night! We don't need any men here."

"But if I'm not getting any, I want to live vicariously through you. Help a friend out and tell me," Marnie begged.

"Fine, but this doesn't leave this room."
After removing their face masks and gossiping about Rhiannon's sex life, they dozed off drunkenly. Rhiannon's legs were above her on the couch while the rest of her body lay on the floor. Marnie had made it onto the couch. Her legs were tangled up in Rhiannon's. The scary movie playing on the TV was long forgotten, but still playing in the background.

Pounding on the door jolted Rhiannon and Marnie awake. It was two in the morning and someone was banging on her door. It took everything in Rhiannon to not scream when that banging continued. She tiptoed over to the door to look through the peephole.

Her slimy ex boyfriend was standing against the door. One hand raised in a fist to bang on the door and the other braced on the door so he wouldn't fall. His eyes were rimmed with red, bloodshot from what she assumed was from drinking the night away.

Tears pricked at Rhiannon's eyes. She didn't think she'd have to worry about Dylan anymore after Luke scared him away at the coffee shop. She didn't know what to do. He was outside her door banging and yelling. She wouldn't be surprised if he woke up the whole floor.
Rhiannon had fallen asleep tipsy and happy thinking about all the stories she had told Marnie about Luke. She couldn't be more sober now. "How do we get him out of here? Do we call the cops?" Marnie whispered.

Rhiannon shook her head, not able to speak. She could feel her chest start to rise faster than she could take in an adequate breath. The room started spinning so she braced herself against the wall. She could hear Dylan mumbling to himself outside the door. "open the door you little bitch or I'm going to let myself in. I tried to do things the nice way, but you wouldn't cooperate."

Rhiannon was able to get herself back to the couch to dig in the cushions for her cell phone. She unlocked it, handing it to Marnie. She didn't know what she was asking her friend to do, but she couldn't breathe and the banging on the door was becoming more forceful.

Marnie didn't know who to call until she remembered in her sleepy state that she could call Luke. She was hoping he was working at the bar tonight and not across town at home.

"Come on, Luke. Pick up," she mumbled bouncing her legs up and down trying to keep herself busy.

The ringing stopped and loud music could be heard in the background. "Rhiannon, baby, I didn't think I'd hear from you tonight," Luke said happily. "Listen, it's Marnie. I need you to come help us. Rhiannon is having a panic attack and Dylan is trying to break our door down."

Luke's heart dropped to his stomach. Rhiannon was afraid all those weeks ago that Dylan would try to get to her. He did know where she lived after all. Luke was in no condition to help at the moment. He was out with the boys having a guys night just as Rhiannon and Marnie were having a girls night.

"Marnie, I need you to take Rhiannon into her room and wrap her in as many blankets as you can. Swaddle her and rub her head. Don't turn on any lights and stay quiet. We'll be there as soon as we can." Without another word, Luke hung up and Marnie did her best to follow his instructions.

Not five minutes later, red and blue flashing lights were shining through Rhiannon's window. There were a few softer knocks on Rhiannon's apartment door. Marnie told Rhiannon she'd be right back. She had to see who was at the door. There were two police officers standing at the door instead of Dylan. He was being pushed into the back of a squad car just as Luke and the boys showed up to the apartment. Luke caught Dylan's eye, "I thought I told you to stay away from her, Hemmings? You're not very good at following orders," Dylan sneered.

Luke kept walking, taking the stairs up to Rhiannon's apartment two at a time. Her door was ajar. The light from the TV shining through the crack. Luke slowly pushed open the door to find the two officers, Marnie and Rhiannon in the small kitchen.

"Excuse me sir, are you a resident of this apartment?" The officer asked.

"No ma'am, but this is my girlfriend's apartment. I just got a call that she was having a panic attack and her ex boyfriend was trying to get in."

When Rhiannon heard Luke's voice, she dumped the blankets on the floor and jumped into his embrace. Luke's hands instinctually held her head against his chest and wrapped around her waist. "It was so scary, Lu. I thought he was going to get in and hurt us," she sobbed.

"I've got you, flower. Nobody is going to hurt you. All the boys are going to stay the night here with us. Like one big sleepover."

"Rhiannon if you could please tell us what happened, we'll get out of your hair so you can get some rest," the second officer said.

"Thank you for coming so quickly, officers. We'll definitely be getting that restraining order you mentioned. Have a good night," Marnie said as she closed and locked the door.

There were now four giant Australian men in Rhiannon's tiny apartment. She wasn't sure how they were all going to sleep on the bed and couch, but they'd figure it out.

Rhiannon and Luke were tucked into her bed once again. Luke had her wrapped tightly in his arms, her head tucked into the crook of his neck. "M' so happy you're okay, sweet girl. That was a really scary phone call."

"Thank you for coming so quickly. Someone else in the building must have called the police. I'm so happy they did."

"You know I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt you, now get some sleep. I'm taking everyone to breakfast tomorrow."

*Thank you! Love you guys!*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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