*Chapter Nineteen*

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Rhiannon stood at the reception desk of the doctor's office Luke was working in that day waiting for someone to greet her. A brunette woman who couldn't have been more than eighteen finally appeared at the desk with a bored look on her face. After fumbling around with a few pens and tapping her acrylic nails on the keyboard she lifted her head to talk to Rhiannon. "Can I help you?"
"I'm here to see Luke. Um I mean Dr. Hemmings. Is he available?," Rhiannon said.

The woman behind the desk slowly looked at Rhiannon from head to toe with a smirk playing at her lips. "So you're the one he blocked his afternoon for? That's interesting. Didn't think he'd like someone like you."

Rhiannon scoffed, switching her weight from one foot to the other. "Excuse me, but I don't think that's any of your business. As you can see, I clearly have a medical problem and you would have noticed that if you weren't so busy judging me. Now can you please go get Luke for me. I don't think your employer would be happy to know how I've been treated here today."

The woman scurried into the back to alert Luke that Rhiannon had arrived. Her cheeks were red and her head was turned down toward her feet. It was unlike Rhiannon to be so rude and Karen- like, but her eye hurt and she didn't need some stranger judging her for no reason at all. Sure, she wasn't sure what Luke saw in her, but that child had no right to be a bitch to her.

While looking around the office, Rhiannon noticed how white and sterile looking everything was. Obviously you want a doctor's office to look clean, but adding some charm and warmth couldn't hurt the space. She would be so upset if she had to work in this setting every day. She felt bad for snapping at the woman at the desk, but decided it didn't matter as soon as she saw Luke burst through the door.

"Rhiannon, your eye looks ten times worse than it did this morning," Luke said while pulling her into a hug. Rhiannon closed her eyes at the contact squeezing Luke a little harder. She didn't want him to be concerned for her, but he was right. She looked like shit.

She peeked her eyes open at the woman behind the desk who was staring daggers at Rhiannon. Rhiannon just smiled and snuggled into Luke more. Luke pulled away from the embrace while leading Rhiannon into the back by her hand. He paid no mind to the receptionist who was smiling at him and waiting for him to look at her.

Once they were in the room, Rhiannon let loose. "Whoever that receptionist is, she's a bitch."
Luke's eyes furrowed at the sudden outburst. "Lena? What did she do? I've only been here for a few days so I don't know her that well."

"First of all, she has a huge crush on you. She said she didn't think you'd like someone like me. Second, she ignored me at the desk for five minutes when she knew I was standing there," Rhiannon said while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Oh Flower, I'm sorry she said that to you. She's just jealous I don't like her. You'll have to never see her again after today. Let's take a look at your eye, yeah?"

With a pout on her lips, Rhiannon nodded slowly. "Stop pouting sweetheart, I'll make sure someone knows how rude she was to you today." That made Rhiannon's lips quirk up into a smile.

"I have to put some drops in your eye so I can see exactly what the hell you did to it. This might sting but just for a second,"
Luke said while tilting Rhiannon's up toward the ceiling.

He dabbed a tissue under her eye to wipe away the excess eye drop. As he leaned down to throw away the tissue, he pressed a soft kiss to Rhiannon's nose. Her button nose scrunched up at the contact. She wasn't expecting him to be so affectionate while he was working.

After Luke examined her eyes, he kept pestering her to tell him what happened. Rhiannon hid her face behind the sleeves of her sweater. She shook her head rapidly. "I'm not telling you. It's too embarrassing and you're going to yell at me."

Luke pried her hands away from her face, "I promise I won't yell at you, Rhi."
"Iwastellingmarnieaboutourweekendandshehitmeinthefacewithatowel," Rhiannon mumbled.

Luke chuckled telling Rhiannon she was going to have to slow down. He finally got her to tell him what happened with a little coaxing. He promised her a cheeseburger and milkshake knowing it was her favorite sad meal.

Luke and Rhiannon walked hand in hand out of the office after Luke was done putting a bandage contact lens in her eye because the rag that had hit it scratched her eye pretty badly. "Goodnight Dr. Hemmings," Lena said from behind the desk excitedly. As Luke was about to speak, Rhiannon rested her hand on his chest to stop him. "Bye Lena. It was so nice to meet you. I hope to see you here again," Rhiannon beamed.

The eye roll Lena gave Rhiannon didn't go unnoticed by Luke. He was happy he didn't have to work here for long with such a stuck up receptionist. He knew Lena had a thing for him, but he didn't think she would be so rude to Rhiannon. He'd definitely be having a word with her boss the next time he was here.

"How did you get here tonight, Rhiannon? I know you didn't drive here with only one eye."

Rhiannon shook her head. "You're right. I didn't drive. Marnie dropped me off as soon as we got enough staff at the shop."

Luke pulled her body into hers enveloping her into another hug resting his head on hers. "I'm happy you're okay. I was so worried when you were ignoring me."

"I'm sorry, '' Rhiannon said, frowning, "I didn't mean to worry you. But I did learn something today."

Luke looked down at Rhiannon, his tall frame towering over her. His head cocked to the side, silently telling her to continue. Rhiannon pulled on the collar of his white dress shirt bringing him down to her height. Her lips grazed his ear as she spoke,"You were really sexy when you helped me, Dr. Hemmings." Luke's breath hitched at the contact. Before he could say anything, Rhiannon was already skipping down the sidewalk to his car.

Luke ran after her. It didn't take long for his long legs to catch up with her. She could hear him running behind her so she picked up her pace. She glanced behind her and laughed, noticing that he was getting close to her fast. He grabbed her hand as she was trying to get around the car to get away from him. He spun her around so her back was pressed against the passenger side door. Her laughter stopped when Luke pressed his body tightly against hers.

Luke looked into her eyes with something that Rhiannon recognized as lust. His tongue poked out of his lips to wet them. Rhiannon's lips parted when Luke started to lean toward her. She craned her neck up to meet his lips, but that wasn't Luke's goal. His pink lips met her exposed neck right below her ear with a light kiss. Rhiannon's head leaned back more to rest on the car and to expose her neck more to Luke.
He pressed another kiss to her neck. This time it was sloppier, his tongue running up her neck to her earlobe. He pulled it between his teeth, biting  gently. Rhiannon could feel her chest heaving at the little contact Luke was giving her. They hadn't been this physical with each other yet and Rhiannon was shocked it was in a public place.

Luke's teeth grazed her neck right under her ear. A soft moan left Rhiannon's lips as he sucked on her neck. She was sure he was leaving a mark, but she didn't have it in her to care at the moment. Rhiannon could hear Luke's heavy breathing in her ear. He was just as worked up as she was. "You have no idea what you do to me, Rhiannon," Luke's husky voice said into her ear.

Luke straightened up, but his body was still pressed against Rhiannon's. She was out of breath. Her eyes still closed. "Let's get those burgers, yeah?"
Rhiannon's eyes shot open. "Burgers. Sure. But we're not done with this," she said while making her way into Luke's car.

*I totally disappeared for awhile. I'm grateful for everyone who's still here!*

*Super sad that my 5sos concert got postponed, but it's for the best right now*

*What do we think Rhiannon and Luke are going to get up to next chapter?*

*That last part of the chapter was totally out of my comfort zone*

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