*Chapter Thirteen*

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Rhiannon tapped her foot anxiously on the vinyl floor of her small kitchen. Her phone was tucked between her ear and her shoulder while she picked at her fingernails. The call when to voicemail again. She was waiting for Marnie to show up for their weekend road trip and the brunette was nowhere to be found. It was unlike Marnie to not answer the phone especially after six missed calls. Rhiannon was starting to get worried. She dialed Marnie's number again, pacing over to the couch to try to relax. As the call went to voicemail again, there was a knock on the door.

Rhiannon flung the door open assuming it was Marnie. "Where the hell have you been? I called you seven times," Rhiannon finally looked up, her attention now on the figure at the door, "Luke? What are you doing here?" She asked as her eyebrows furrowed and head cocked to the side.

"I was hoping we could take a trip this weekend. I see you've already packed," Luke said nodding toward the overnight bag by the door. Luke took the liberty to step past Rhiannon into the apartment. His head turned in every direction, surveying the small apartment. There was at least one candle on every surface he could see. A vase of sunflowers sat on the kitchen counter. There were other plants hanging from macrame planters hooked to the ceiling.

"Wh-what do you mean you want to go on a trip? How do you know where I live? Are you actually stalking me? Should I be calling the police?" Rhiannon spat out in one breath. Closing the door behind her and gripping her phone in her hand tighter.

"Flower, take a deep breath. I'm not here to hurt you. You have a bag packed, yes?" Rhiannon nodded cautiously. "Good. I'll get your bag and we'll be on our way."

"I'm not going with you. Marnie should be here any time for our roadtrip," Said Rhiannon. Luke smiled at her confusion. He picked up her canvas monogrammed overnight bag in right hand and grabbed Rhiannon's in his left. "Or maybe I'm not actually going anywhere with Marnie. She set this up didn't she?" Rhiannon said finally understanding Marnie was never coming to pick her up.

Luke nodded, pulling her along with him by her hand. "We set it up together. Can we please go now that you know I'm not trying to kidnap and murder you?" Luke nudged Rhiannon smiling brightly.

She could see that dimple peeking out from the small amount of facial hair covering his jaw. His full smile was on display at that moment. She took a second to take in his appearance. If they were going on a road trip together, his outfit might give her an indication of where they were headed. He was wearing his classic black skinny jeans with a hoodie and a jean jacket. His feet were covered with converse instead of his usual boots. Rhiannon glanced back up at Luke after inspecting his shoes. He looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to leave her apartment.

"You ready to go now Wildflower or are going to ogle me more?" Luke said. His lips turned up at one corner into a smirk. "Oh, uh yeah. Yeah, I'm ready to go," She nodded with a blush in her cheeks.

Luke tugged on her hand once more and led them out of Rhiannon's apartment. This time she followed making sure to lock the door behind her. She made a mental note to yell at Marnie later for giving Luke her address and tricking her into a road trip with him.

Even though she was mad at Marnie for planning a trip with Luke behind her back, she couldn't help but feel giddy about spending more time with Luke. They arrived in the parking lot in front of Luke's black sedan. Luke opened the door for Rhiannon as he set her stuff in the trunk gesturing for her to get in the car.

"Now that we're in the car, can you tell me where we're going?" Rhiannon put on her best puppy dog eyes. Luke wouldn't tell her all the way down the stairs of her apartment building. She begged and pleaded, but he wouldn't budge.

"I told you thirty seconds ago that I'm not telling you where we're going," Luke laughed. "Please be patient. I know you'll have a great time."

"I think it's time for you to know that me and patience don't belong in the same sentence. I mean, Marnie was ten minutes late and I called her seven times. Does that sound like someone with an ounce of patience to you, Luke?"

Luke shook his head, "You're right. That doesn't sound like you're very patient, but today you're going to have to learn. Okay, sweetheart?" The name rolled off his tongue so sweetly. He hadn't noticed what he said until he glanced over at Rhiannon with a light blush on the apples of her cheeks, eyes cast down at her lap. He loved making her blush. It was his mission this weekend keeping the blush on her face permanently. "You can be the DJ," Luke said, handing her his cellphone, "It seems like we have similar taste in music."

Rhiannon searched for her playlist on spotify with all of her favorite music on it. She made sure to add it to Luke's playlist too. As she shuffled the music, she turned the volume dial up on Luke's stereo. Coincidentally, Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac came blaring through the speakers.

"You never told me how you got your name," Luke yelled over the song. Rhiannon reached out to turn the volume down, not quite hearing what he had said. She cocked her head to the side asking him to repeat himself. "I said, you never told me how you got your name."

"Oh, it's not that special actually. My parents had a name picked out for if I was a boy and surprise, I wasn't. They were listening to this song when my mom's water broke and here I am today. Rhiannon Rose."

"Your middle name is rose? Is that why you love flowers so much?" Luke asked while taking Rhiannon's hand in his own.

She shook her head. "That's not why, but it plays a part in it. I, um, I don't really talk about why I love flowers so much," Rhiannon whispered.

"That's okay Rhiannon. You can me if and when you're ready," Luke squeezed her hand reassuringly.

Rhiannon looked out her window noticing they were no longer in the city. The road was lined with trees on both sides. It was beautiful. The trees weren't green anymore. The leaves had started to turn red, orange, and yellow. Rhiannon rolled down the window taking a deep breath of the fall atmosphere. She looked at Luke smiling at him. "I love the fall. It's my favorite season. All of the leaves change color like they're getting a new life. They go from all being green to making this beautiful picture of bright colors. They almost look like fire. It's so beautiful."

Luke smiled as Rhiannon rolled the window down all the way and stuck her head out. The wind was blowing her auburn hair in every direction, but she didn't care. He couldn't tell where her hair stopped and the leaves began. She looked so free and full of life.

Another hour passed and they were finally at their destination. "You brought me to a campground," Rhiannon yelled excitedly. "Oh, Lu. Thank you so so much. I love campfires." She jumped at Luke wrapping her arms around his waist. Luke, caught off guard, took a moment and finally wrapped Rhiannon in his arms. "You're welcome, pretty girl." "Lu", he thought to himself, "I could get used to that.

*Luke finally came back from his hiatus! His beard and glasses killed me. Who does he think he is looking that good?*

*What's your favorite band, not 5sos?*

*Real life, I was almost named Rhiannon*

*What do you think Luke and Rhiannon are going to get up to on their camping trip?*

*You are all truly amazing! The support you give astonishes me!*

Thank you so much, love you all <3

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