*Chapter Seventeen*

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“This is the best pizza I’ve ever had,” Luke said with a mouthful of crust. Rhiannon was curled up on the floor of the room they had rented for the night at the cutest bed and breakfast. It was called The Garden which was way too fitting for Rhiannon. She took it as a sign that they should definitely be there together.

The room Carole, the owner, had taken them to was the sunflower room. It was decorated with subtle hints of the flower. There was a ceramic water pitcher on each nightstand of the cheerful flower. Rhiannon had her eyes on the bathtub the second they entered the room. It was beautiful. The tub was old fashioned and had brass claws for the feet. She couldn’t wait to take the most luxurious bath, but couldn’t politely figure out how to ask Luke if he’d be okay by himself for awhile.

Luke noticed her eyes shifting to the bathroom every so often when she thought he wasn’t looking. He couldn’t help but notice the excitement in her eyes when she saw the bathroom for the first time. They danced around the room observing the different soaps and bath bombs she wanted to use. “You can take a bath if you want. I’ll be fine by myself for a while,” Luke said.

Rhiannon was darting off to the bathroom before Luke finished his sentence. Rhiannon peeked her head out of the bathroom doorway just enough to see Luke sitting on the floor with a slice of pizza hanging out of his mouth. Rhiannon felt guilty for how quickly she rushed out the room. She didn’t want Luke to think she didn’t want to spend time with him. “Are you sure you’re fine by yourself? I don’t want to abandon you.”

“Of course I’m fine. I wouldn’t want to stop you from using the bathtub of your dreams,” Luke laughed.

Rhiannon crossed her arms over her chest while coming into Luke’s view,
“How do you know it’s the bathroom of my dreams?”

“You were practically drooling when we first got here. I saw your eyes light up like someone just gave you a puppy,” he said as he made his way over to Rhiannon.

Rhiannon rolled her eyes, “I was not that excited. It’s just a bathtub.”

Luke pushed Rhiannon further into the bathroom so he could slide past her. He turned on the faucet in the tub, waiting for the water to get hot. Once the water was hot enough, he plugged the tub and started to add some bath bombs. He chose lavender because he thought it would suit her best. Rhiannon was trying to see over his shoulder, but he was too tall. She started jumping to get a glimpse of what he was doing, but it was no use. She sighed and crossed her arms again.

“Pouting isn’t going to do you any good, flower. I’m almost done,” he said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He scrolled through spotify looking for some relaxing music, deciding on a playlist of classical music. He played the music and dimmed the bathroom lights. “You stay in here as long as you want. I’ll just be out there relaxing,” Luke said while pointing his thumb to the bedroom behind him.

Rhiannon grabbed his wrist as he was walking away, pulling him toward her. Once Luke was in front of her, she stood on her toes, wrapping her arms around his neck. She nuzzled her head into his chest, not quite tall enough to reach the crook of his neck. “Thank you, Lu,” She mumbled into his chest. She looked up to his face. His eyes were shut with contentment. She leaned up a little more and placed a soft kiss on his jaw, just barely grazing her lips on his stubble. She heard Luke sigh and squeeze her tighter against him.

He didn’t want to let her go, but her bath was getting cold and he wanted to surprise her when she got out. “Go take your bath, sweetheart. I’ll be waiting,” Luke said with a smile. Rhiannon nodded and closed the door behind her. She couldn’t wait to submerge herself in the purple lavender water. The music Luke picked out for her was perfect and she couldn’t wait to relax.

When Rhiannon emerged from the bathroom, Luke was fast asleep on the bed. He was holding a book in his hand while leaning against the headboard. His head hung to the side, soft snores leaving his mouth. Rhiannon took advantage of a sleeping Luke. She noticed how peaceful he looked. His curls were hanging down over his forehead instead of pushed back like normal. His soft breath was fogging up the glasses that were sliding down the bridge of his nose. She had no idea he wore glasses and regretted this was the first time she saw him wearing them. The round frames fit his face perfectly and they gave him a more sophisticated look. She could definitely see him becoming an optometrist wearing those glasses. They were different from his bar attire. She couldn’t decide which look she liked more.

She had been looking at him for more than fifteen minutes when she realized what a creep she was being. She shook her head and decided to wake him up so he could get in a more comfortable sleeping position. “Lu, wake up,” she whispered while shaking him  softly.
Luke’s eyes opened a sliver to see what the commotion was about. When he saw Rhiannon in her sleep shirt, he realized he must have fallen asleep. He scooted down the bed so he was laying down, pulling Rhiannon next to him. She snuggled into his chest wrapping her arm around his torso. “Is this okay,” he asked. Rhiannon nodded and curled up closer to his body. “Goodnight sweet girl,” he spoke softly, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Goodnight, Luke.” It wasn’t long before they were both fast asleep.

Rhiannon was sadly back in the city at Jitters. The weekend away didn't last long enough. She couldn't wait to see Luke again. When he dropped her off at home, he walked her to the door and gave her a sweet goodbye kiss. He said he would have loved to spend the rest of the day with her, but he had to study for a test he had the next day.

So here she was on a Monday morning, anxiously waiting for Marnie to come in so she could scold her about tricking her, but also so she could tell her all about the weekend. She was surprised her friend wasn't banging on her door the second Luke drove away. It was unlike Marnie to stay away for too long after something exciting happened in Rhiannon's life.

Rhiannon heard the bell on the door ring and the click of the lock being turned. "How was your dick appointment, Rhi?" Marnie shouted from the front of the shop. Rhiannon had spoken too soon. Of course she would ask something like that. Thankfully, it was early and Jitters wasn't open yet so there weren't any customers.

"Did you really just ask me about a dick appointment? We didn't have sex, Marn. I hardly know Luke." Rhiannon said as she threw a towel at her best friend.

"You can still fuck someone you barely know. What happened to the old you?" Marnie asked.

"For your information, I've hardly been a one night stand kind of girl and I really like Luke. I don't want to rush into anything with him. I'm not looking for a relationship right now."

"Yeah, I know. Blah blah something about Dylan. It's time to move on," Marnie threw the towel back at Rhiannon hitting her in the eye.

"Oh my god, Marnie! You hit my eye!" She yelled, covering her eye with her hand.  Rhiannon was trying not to cry, but the corner of the  towel slid across opened eye.

"Shit, Rhiannon. I'm so sorry!" Marnie rushed to her side to try to look at the damage she caused.

Rhiannon shook her head, "It was an accident. It should be fine in a couple days. Will you be good here for an hour or so while I figure out how to fix this?"

"You got it, boss. You take all the time you need," she said as she saluted her friend, "you could always call that sexy, almost doctor you know. I bet he'd drop everything to come help you."

"I'm sure he would, but he has a test today. I'll call him if I'm not feeling better in a couple days. Plus, I don't need to Luke to see me like this," Rhiannon sighed.

Rhiannon couldn't believe she got an eye injury at work. She was too embarrassed to call Luke. She wished he was in school to be any other kind of doctor at this moment. It was dramatic, but he didn't need to know just how clumsy she was.

*Happy spring! Hopefully we're done with snow and cold weather*

*A little boy asked me what my favorite animal was at work the other day. It was really cute. What's your favorite animal?*

*What animal are you scared of/do you hate?*

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