Aphmau: W-We should go to school.

Connor nods and the two head to school.

Getting to school, Connor walked with Aphmau to the entrance when Connor saw someone walking to them. Turning, they saw their friends.

Aphmau: Hey guys!

Connor: Hey...

Kawaii: Hey~! Is Connor-senpai ok? You seem stressed...did that meanie hurt you?

Connor: The guy from yesterday? No, he didn't, just fired...I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

Trinity: Y-You ok?

Connor: Yeah, I'll just sleep through lunch.

Connor went on to enter the school and Connor's friends look a bit concern for Connor before following after.

As Connor walked around to find a spot to sleep for lunch, he notice Aphmau and Garroth, talking and Aphmau looked a bit uncomfortable. Walking to them, Connor stopped the moment he saw Garroth kiss her, making her squeal from the sudden kiss.

Connor didn't exactly pay it mind since he figured they were friends with benifits like him and Aphmau were but saw that when Aphmau tried to push him off, Garroth wouldn't let go, Aphmau even looked to be crying.

Seeing this, Connor rush to them and toss Garroth across from them, making him land a few feet from them. The two look at Connor, shocked and angry.

Aphmau: C-Connor...

Garroth: What's your deal?!

Connor: You were upsetting her...she was crying and pushing you off when you wouldn't stop...your suppose to be her friend, someone that makes her happy, but you clearly weren't.

He looked at him and then Aphmau, seeing she was indeed in tears.

Garroth: Aphmau...I...I'm so sorry.

He got up and runs off.

Aphmau: Garroth--

She went to run after him when Connor stopped her.

Connor: No...he needs to set his mind straight...we'll talk to him later.

Aphmau looks at him before looking down as Connor lets her go.

Connor: I'm worried too, but if we talk to him now, he'll probably be in worse shape, lets just give him a moment to think.

Aphmau: I know, your right...I'm just worried.

Connor: I know.

She looked down and Connor looks at he before patting her head, making her jolt and turn to him, making Connor stop.

Connor: Sorry...somoene once did that for me when I was sad so I thought it help.

Aphmau grabs his hand and place it on her head.

Aphmau: It...felt nice.

Connor looks at her before continuing to pat her head before she calms down and they went on with their lunch, talking and once lunch was over, Connor went to class.

As  Connor walked around, looking for Garroth, Connor saw him on the ground, covered in bruises with a group of almost a hundred kids or so, Jisuk being with them.

Jisuk: I asked you, where that fat ass was! Where is he?!

Garroth: I'm...not...saying.

Connor looks at him before approaching them, making them turn to him.

Garroth: Connor...

Connor looked at them and then Garroth.

Connor: Garroth, Aphmau wants to talk to you...go to her, I'll take care of them.

Garroth: But--

Connor: Aphmau wants to talk about this so please go...she was worried about you after you left.

Garroth: But what about you?

Connor: I've beaten stronger people...I can take them.

Garroth looks at Connor before getting up, limping away.

Garroth: Be careful...

Connor: I will...and please don't tell Aphmau and the others about this...tell them I'm in the toilet or something.

He nods and walked to where the others were.

Connor: And you.

Connor turns to Jisuk.

Connor: I warned you...now you made me mad.

Everyone was currently talking as they wait for Connor, Garroth not too long ago apoligise and made it up to Aphmau for what happened. As they wait, they notice someone walking to Connor, walking to them.

Katelyn: Hey, took you long enough.

Connor: Yeah sorry, what's the plan for the afternoon?

Aphmau: We plan to go to Trinity's house for a swim.

Connor: Swim?

Zana: Wow, you don't even know what swimming is?

Garroth: Hey, Zana, that's not nice.

Connor: It's fine, and to answer, no not really.

Aphmau: Its kinda like taking a bath, but you wear a swimsuit.

Connor: Really?

She nods.

Aphmau: Lets go! This'll be fun!

Everyone but Connor and Zana cheer but Connor nods, wanting to try.

The Broken BoyWhere stories live. Discover now