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He hasn't returned. It's been twenty-one hours. We had done everything he told us. The Base X member hasn't been back yet. Jordon tells me not to worry. It was hard to do that because I'm always worried. Luckily Jason, Tae, and Dash were coming back. "I need to go home. It's Saturday, and my mother is coming back this afternoon," I inform Jordon.

"We have to find Daniel first."


"What?! No! He promised me that he would come back, and he didn't. I'm leaving."

I turnaway from him, only to have him grab my wrist, dragging me back. He caressed my cheek tenderly. The gesture sent heat from his touch. A concerned expression lingered on his face, and his eyes glows with adimiration.

"I can't leave the building. You would be unprotected. Our best bet is for you and Amelia to find Daniel."

"Let me guess. If I leave, I become a liability?" I asks pensively, remembering Jason's words. He titled his head to get a better look at my face. "Sounds much like Jason," He traces his hand down my neck, stopping at my collar.

"Yes, for a good reason."

I reluctantly agree to finding Daniel and put off the confrontation with my mother until later. When he's found, he will have a piece of my mind, which involves a lot of profanities.

Jordon tracked his last location while I went upstairs with Amelia to change. At this point, I was fresh out of clean clothes. Jordon gave me a sweater and a pair of sweatpants since Amelia's clothing wasn't even clothing. They were just cloth. Thankfully, I packed extra undergarments; I couldn't imagine my life right now if I hadn't.

His last location was the Valley. His phone was shut off from that point. Amelia said it could mean two things. He's dead, or he doesn't want to be found. I added a third reason. Maybe his phone just died. At this point, he better be hurt because if it's the other two reasons, then I'm going to make sure he's hurt.

I have been with the Three Rings way too long. I have seen too much violence. I'm becoming a violent person. No, it's because of Daniel's lying, scheme persona. Yeah, that's the reason for my violent thoughts.

Amelia wasn't the best driver at all. She breaks every stop light. She didn't slow down when the lights turned yellow. She only sped up. Although it was only 4:31 a.m, a few vehicles were on the road. Something tells me that if we didn't get pulled over, we would crash.

"You are a terrible driver!" I yell over the rushing wind.

"I'm a great driver. You're just jealous of my skills," What skills? It must be her skill to get us killed six times in a row. I added her awful driving to the list of things to be mad at Daniel for. I whispered a lengthy prayer in my heart when she parked the car. No way on earth she would ever go behind the wheel with me in that car again.

The road is lonely. Only one flickering street light illuminated the street with the help of the moon. A dog barked in the distance. The sound almost stops my heart. We walk into a horror movie.

"Are we just standing out here and waiting for someone to shoot at us or for Daniel to magically fall from the sky?" I mumble. She giggled. Why was she always so calm?

"Relax. The chance of that happening is rare," Rare! Did she forget where we were? The Valley is always a hot spot for turf war and murders. "We don't have any enemies here. Calm down."

That didn't make it any better.

A group of armed men exists one of the houses. Amelia leans on the van; she looks up at them, then folds her arms to push her chest up. "I'm looking for Daniel. Wears a mask. Likes to give orders. Tall and scary," Amelia puts out in her typical pitch. I would be stuttering.

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