We Got HER

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Our Group of Heroes are running through the facility, desperate to get to SCP-914, and Bring Back Ochaco Uraraka...

The Group has been running through the seemingly infinite facility for hours...

Katsuki: Alright, stay here, Shitty Hair, Icyhot, we'll scout ahead...

The Group follows their orders...

Katsuki, Kirishima and Shoto advance, guns Drawn, ready to take down any enemies in a split second...

Kirishima splits off, they enter an office room, while Katsuki and Shoto search, Kirishima sees something that makes his heart drop...

Kirishima: guys... you may wanna see this

they look at the TV Kirishima is staring at...

US President Joe Biden: After some Deliberation, and talks within our government... for the crime of Stealing the World's Symbol of Peace from us, The United States of America, Declares War, on The SCP Foundation, who we recently found out kidnapped, and killed, Toshinori Yagi, also known as All Might.

The Crowd in front of him cheers...

Katsuki: What the fuck...

Kirishima: They think we're... Dead?

Shoto: They said we were in here for 3 weeks... and without a Symbol of Peace, or Izuku to at least show a bright future, New York must have turned into a crime-ridden Hell... That's why they want war... to avenge All Might...

Katsuki: We need to get the others... NOW!

They rush back to the rest of the group and explain...

Momo: Holy Shit...

All Might: They want to go to war... to avenge me?

Kirishima: Uh, Guys it's not over...

Kirishima is on the Computer...

The Headlines read 'NATO Countries Come to the Aid of the United States, alongside Russia, China, Japan, Korea, and others...'

Katsuki: Holy Shit...

All Might: This organization is global...

Momo: Then that means...

Shoto: Did us going missing... Start a World War?!

A few minutes later...

Momo: Holy Shit! We're in enemy territory during a War!

Mina: We're gonna die!

Sero: I'm not ready to die!


Katsuki Pointed his rifle in the air and fired it, getting everyone's attention

Katsuki: Everyone Stop Panicking , We're Heroes for Christ sake! And We're Class A! The Best Heroes out there! We've faced those league of Villains Cunts! So let's show these Scientist Assholes whose boss!

Everyone: YEAH!

Katsuki: Let's move, and get our friends back!

The Heroes move towards the location of SCP-914...

However, Katsuki is attacked by SCP-939!

The 939 is biting and clawing at Katsuki, who is only still alive because of his gun shielding him...

Kirishima: Shit! 

Kirishima and the rest of the group open fire, killing it in seconds...

Kirishima: You good Bakubro?

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