None For All...

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Katsuki POV:

All Might has called us into his office...

Me: Oi,  you okay? like physically?

All Might: Physically I am fine Young Bakugo, but there is something I brought you three here to talk about

He's referring to me Icyhot and Four Eyes...

All Might: Young Izuku told you all about One For All, right?

Four Eyes: Yes he did, it was... quite interesting...

All Might: Well, then this will be easier to explain...

All Might looks down at the floor, ah shit... something's not right...

All Might: I can't sense it...

Icyhot: ...What..?!

All Might: I cannot feel the previous Users of One For All...

Me: What the fuck is that supposed to mean...

All Might: One For All Users can always feel the previous Users power within them...

Me: and if you can't feel that... then..!

All Might: I'm afraid so Young Bakugo... One For All... Is Dead...

Four Eyes: Dead..?

Icyhot: How does that affect us?

All Might: Well, Good news is, All For One was eradicated before it died, so One For All Isn't needed for the world to be at peace anymore...

Me: So, we're okay then...

All Might: To be Honest... I think so...

Suddenly Raccoon Eyes Bursts through the door...

Raccoon Eyes: Guys! It's Eri! Something's Wrong!

We all get up and rush to the dorm that Deku and Eri Share...

Third Person POV

They all enter and see Eri on the ground shaking and shivering...

Katsuki: What the hell?!

All Might: She seems to be sick! Someone get recovery girl!

Iida: Already on it!

after about 2 hours Recovery Girl has tested Eri...

RC: okay, we have run some test, Eri has Influenza, the Flu...

Katsuki: alright, that isn't too bad... How was deku reacting while you were in there...

RC: He was protective, but despite his state, Izuku seems to cry in a tone to make the sounds of a lullaby...

Katsuki: I knew he wasn't fully gone...

RC: Although there is something you should note... Eri will be highly fatigued, so she won't be able to hug Izuku...

Katsuki: Meaning...]\

All Might: we can't stop him if he triggers...

Katsuki: Well then, I think that means our plan is pretty simple...

Shoto: What do you mean?

Katsuki: The Only way to stop Deku...

Is to bring HER back...

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