We Lost HER

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Shigaraki is standing in front, he charges at Class 3-A, they of course charge at him...

All For One Stands in the back, watching on as the war begins...

After a long fight, Deku is about to lose to Shigaraki

Tomura: Goodbye Hero!

Ochaco sees that her Boyfriend is about to be decayed, so she jumps in front of him...

Izuku: Ochaco..?!

Ochaco: Bye Izuku, I love you...

She Smiles as she decays away...

Izuku: No... No No No... NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!

Deku falls to one knee holding himself up with one arm...

Tomura: HAHAHAHA! How will you go on!? Without your precious little Princess! HAHAHAHA!

Deku Stands back up grabbing is head and making a noise similar to a gut wrenching cry...

The Rest of Class 3-A Look on in horror and shock...

Tomura continues to laugh until a hand grabs him head...

Izuku stares at him...

Tomura: What are you-


Deku pulled down Shigaraki's Head, and the ripped his heart out of him, still beating...

The Rest of Tomura drops to the ground...

Just For Deku to Stomp on Shigaraki's head and reducing his skull to mush...

3-A Stares on horrified...

Deku then starts Screaming as he dashes at All For One...

All For One: You think you can defeat me child- !!!

Deku Punches at All For One, this punch vaporized him...

Deku stops screaming and just starts to cry while covering his face...

Katsuki runs up to his best friend, who he felt was like a brother to him, and hugs him

Katsuki: Deku! You can stop! We've won Nerd!

Deku turns and looks at Katsuki

Katsuki eyes go wide...

Katsuki: That's not Deku...

Deku just continues to cry...

Katsuki: What the fuck are you..?

All Might: Izuku, I'm so sorry about Ochaco...

Deku stops crying... but covers his face and starts to scream... it's shallow and quiet at first... but it grows into a loud agonizing, sad, and Angry Scream...

Deku charges at All Might!

Katsuki: All Might Look out!

Deku Punches All Might...

Katsuki: All Might!

Todoroki: Why is he acting like this?!

Katsuki: I don't think it's even actually Deku...

Todoroki: What?!

Katsuki: I think...

We Lost Him...

We Lost Him... [MHA]Where stories live. Discover now